a call to raise good men

Hey everyone....I'm writing today to raise a call....a call to raise good, good men.  Today I was mowing the yard and thinking about Roger and our extra Kredit.  This morning XK got up early (as usual) and wanted to watch a certain show we don't really like or think is appropriate but it's also not horrible.  Roger gently and firmly guided him to a different Saturday morning cartoon.  Looney Toons.  Road Runner and Woody Woodpecker and later Tom and Jerry.  He explained the story line of both shows and after XK understood, the 2 of them sat together for awhile and watched and enjoyed some classic cartoons.  

Roger wasn't so excited about saying yes to a foster placement.  He was nervous and apprehensive about all the things.....you can imagine.  We discussed it and we prayed about it and we said yes because all the things were things that were uncomfortable.....but not impossible.  Roger is a good, good man.  He was raised by good parents who saw him as a valuable, precious child of God with talents and gifts and potential and goodness.  They helped him move into that kind of man and I married the man that they saw and believed in.  

People.....we need to raise good, good men.  We need to look at our boys and believe them to be valuable, talented, smart, precious humans that have much to contribute to the world and to life.  If we don't......our future is pretty dark.  

Our daughters also need us, but that is for a different post.  Today....I am thinking about our sons.  Presently, I am raising 4 of them....2 by biology, 1 by adoption and 1 in foster.....and the world needs them to become good, good men.  God needs them to be better than whatever the world thinks they should become and that, actually, is half the problem!  How do we do that?!  How do we determine the goodness of God in our boys and elevate that and also see all that the world demands of them?  Be successful financially.  Be well-liked.  Be popular.  Be responsible.  Be a leader.  Be in control.  Be right.  Be above scrutiny.  Be above temptation.  Be better than those that came before you......oh my heart.  These boys.....how can they be all of that and also be true to the Father's Heart?  They cannot.  We have to pray. 

It is so important that we understand and cherish and hold  tenderly the hearts of our boys.  Hold them like a fragile gift that will be crushed and broken if we squeeze or push or pull or throw too hard.  It is important that we give them second chances over and over and over and love and affirm and bless them every, single day, even on the days we want to scream and yell and spank and toss them out the door.  It is imperative that we see and do this thing in order to raise good good men.  

I am quite certain that if the fathers of Precious and Josiah had had the chance to be loved and seen and heard and affirmed in this way......that maybe their mamas could have kept them and parented them and done it well with supportive fathers.  But these 2 children, my children, did not have good good men to be their fathers.....and so their mamas did what they needed to do for them.  They gave them to Roger.  Well, to me.  But I married him.  (smile a bit here....wipe the tears and know that it's just all of it, and its ok)

Please, please, please.....let's raise the banner and bang the drum and work hard to raise good, good men.  I know it's hard.  It's super hard here, trust me.  We are struggling but we are also on the side of the team that wins, the team that believes in the best of people.  The team that is coached by Almighty God who created us, who sustains us, who has a plan for us and who is never ever wrong.  

Extra Kredit went inside after a really big afternoon swimming.  He went to change out of his swimsuit and had an accident in the bathroom.  He's the bravest kid I have ever known.  He came and told me he accidently peed on the floor trying to take off his swimsuit to go potty.  I told him it was ok.  We could clean it up and I would help him change.  He said "thank you Niki for not being mad at me for peeing on the floor.  It was an accident."  I said, "hey buddy....no problem.  We all have accidents.  I'm really glad you told me so that I could clean it up.  I won't ever get mad if I know about it and can take care of it.  I do sometimes get mad if I step in pee and no-one told me so thank you for that"    He said "you're welcome"......that's the work of growing good good men, I think.

I don't really have the manual for how to grow good good men.  I wish I did.  I'm mostly making mistakes and trying again and again....but also.....these boys are worth trying again and again and again.  Lets work together and raise good good men who can know their Lord, know their place in the world and work hard to care for the widow, the orphan the least of these.....and take care of those who love them.  


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