November is Adoption awareness month....and orphan care too

Luke 21:1-4......."As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasure.  He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.  Truly I tell you, he said, this poor widow has put in more than all the others.  All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on." 

Orphan care and adoption are my "widow's mite".  We have adopted twice and it was costly both times.  It was costly in terms of finances.....we moved into our last adoption with literally nothing but a request from God to do it.  We had to ask for money just to pay the legal was humbling and it was not fun.  We got it done.  Day after day and year after year we grapple with the financial junk to afford life with 5 children.....if we had waited until we could "afford" to adopt it would never have happened.  We wouldn't have Precious.  We wouldn't have Josiah.  We wouldn't know God with the depth of understanding and love and awe that we have if He had not taken us down the path to adopt each of them.....and he really, really, really doesn't care that we didn't have the money or the time or the emotional fortitude to say yes.  Either time.  He asked for our "widow's mite"  and we gave it. 

Foster parents everywhere are pouring out for kids who are hurting and who don't deserve to be in their situation...and those kids are not thanking them.  Their bio parents are not thanking them.  The foster parents wake up ever day and offer their widow's mite, just to do the day. 

6 new kids came to One Vision children's home in Haiti recently.  They don't yet have ongoing sponsors who will send money for their monthly needs.  They don't yet have sponsors who will pray for them by name, travel to visit them, send cards and gifts year after year.....they are new......but just for this Christmas, we were able to find generous "widows mite" givers to make sure all 6 get a package this Christmas.  Believe me when I tell you that all of the families who said yes to this have come from hard, hard places and are giving out of their love for the Lord, and not a sense of excess.  It is the Widow's Mite to respond. 

We still sponsor a child in India with Down Syndrome who is around 10.  We long for her to get adopted into a forever home.....India will not let us adopt her so instead we send some money to help her get through the business of the day.....consider Sarah's Covenant Homes as a way to pour into the cause of the orphan as well as One Vision Haiti which is a part of Katelyn's Fund Orphan Ministry.....consider any and all causes for kids....but these are the 2 we have a commitment to.  Also....November is Adoption Awareness Month.

Folks.  Adoption is Hard.  It is costly.  It is layered in emotions and purpose and faith and pain.....just like God himself......and so we join Him in striving to care for all of the children of the world....especially those who are not yet set in loving, Christian families. 

My widow's mite is not tired.....and the penny jar keeps filling up by the grace of God...and we do without ( a lot) and it's ok.  We are doing fine.  Consider giving.....if you want specifics and addresses and such let me know.  You won't regret it.  I promise.  If you have plenty and this is not your last 2 coins, that is also ok!  Please do give!  Give generously.  Give out of your plenty and ask the Lord to expand your territory and allow your blessing to grow and grow.....the Kingdom of God grows with it. 


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