A few notes about Joe....

Yesterday we were part of the Orphan Sunday Celebration that we try to attend every year.  We worshiped and prayed and ate and read scripture together with countless other families who have grown through adoption/foster care.  We love this celebration service every year.....because we are drawn together.  Sometimes, living as a family who has adopted children, can feel very lonely.  Sometimes it is hard.  When children are separated from their first mothers and fathers, and join another family, there is a big deep hole that cannot be filled by love or safety or anything....because they have lost their first people.  Those of us who have adopted children know this and it is hard to find words for it in a way that would help us to feel helped by other people.  Thus.  We gather together and we understand each other and it pours into our hearts and our families and it is good.  Yesterday was good.  I wanted to write down thoughts and feelings but it was a settling space for me yesterday to just exist and not reflect.

Today I woke up and started the day and the week.....calendar open, laundry going, coffee made.  I had to wash dishes at school and then I took a trip to go get a birthday gift for Josiah.  His birthday is in just 2 days.  He has been counting down the days since late October.....and he is so excited for Wednesday to come.  One of the things he really, really wanted for his birthday was something I would have to go out of town for.....so that was a task today.  This gift is a bit out of my comfort zone....and I was kind of worked up over it....but I got it done.  Stay tuned. 

Josiah will be 7 in 2 days.  I was not there when he was born but I was with his mama once a week for about a month before his birth....and I was at the hospital later after his delivery....and I got to hug her and smile at him.....and I didn't know that day that I would one day be his mama too.  She loved him.  She was so proud of him.  She named him Josiah Christian because she wanted him to have a bible name, that of a King, and one that would set him apart as a lover of the Lord.....I love his name.  I love her and all that she means to him. 

Ours is a rather open adoption so I have ongoing relationships with Josiah's family.  They even read my blogs sometimes.  Together we are all celebrating him this week, whether we do it in person or in other ways...he is recognized and known and loved by his first family and his adopted family. 

Tomorrow is his last day being 6.  We have a kind of usual day tomorrow but he will be eagerly anticipating his day on Wednesday.....and hopefully the fun things we have planned and the gifts we have gotten him will help him to know how much he matters, how much he is loved and how worthy he is.  That is always my goal on birthdays here, that they might know how much they matter. 

Sometimes, the youngest kiddo gets a bit overlooked.  Sometimes it is hard to cowboy up and have the right amount of enthusiasm and energy and excitement......5 kids is a lot.  Not this year, buddy.  Dad and I brought our A game.  We are bringin' it and bringin' it hard....for you.....because we love you so so much and we CANNOT wait to celebrate you on your special day! 


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