Last night Josiah could not wait to go to bed.  He wanted to sleep really fast so that he could wake up and go to his first day of kindergarten today.  He willingly took a bath.  He set out his clothes and shoes.   We found our classic book:  Mrs. Bindergaten gets ready for Kindergarten.....which I have read to at least the youngest 2 kiddos before they started school.  (I also have It's Great to be Five! if anyone needs to borrow that one.)  Sharing his excitement to finally get to board the bus and go to school after watching older siblings do this year after year is such a great pleasure to me.  He is a very special little boy and when I see him I am reminded that God is a God of great gifts and mercies and hope and goodness.  God is a God of miracles and of mystery.  God is a God of not just the happy, shining moments, but also the quiet whispers and hard truths....and God is very very good at being Sovereign and  in control of our lives if we choose to let Him.    Josiah shows me that every single day. 

I am guessing that every year may not look this great.  He may not always be this excited to start his school I will savor it this year.  He is smart.  He is a good friend.  He is willing to try to be brave because he knows that he can come home and fall apart and cry because no one sat with him on the bus ride home.....and its ok.  He unpacked his backpack and showed me a couple things and then dashed out to the neighbors to play when he came home.  He had a good first day. 

Josiah is my last baby to start school.  We may foster some younger kiddos and we may borrow a few now and then for an afternoon or a weekend, but for the most part, we are just moving out of the stage of diapers and strollers and daycare.  It's a good thing too because daycare is in a crisis shortage in Sioux Center.  It is absolutely deplorable that a community can generate new businesses over and over and over but not address the fact that all of these employees have no one to care for their children while they work.  I am beyond frustrated with it and don't really know where to go or who to talk to that can fix it.  If anyone there has ideas please let me know! 

God was good to us and gave us an amazing sitter who stuck it out until Josiah went to school.  A double portion of blessing means that she took a job at my kids' school so he and Precious get to see here every day now!  

I have enjoyed taking some time to write about each of my children on this week where we turn the page and start the fall season, new school season, and new chapter of our life.  We live the real life, not the pretty magazine or movie version.  We live the imperfect, messy, unsure life full of mistakes and complaints and often, a life that fights to squash out our joy.  Writing about each of my kiddos has helped me to find deep and lasting joy in who they are, who I am, and what I am doing with my life.  I hope you have enjoyed reading along......



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