And then August 21 happened and all of the craziness of moving to college, starting high school and starting kindergarten stopped for a bit.  We hit a pause button for Precious Maryn because she turned 9 years old today.  Nine.  For 9 years she has been our child and when I think of her life so far, and what she represents and how much influence she has had so far......I am in awe of what her future holds.  Precious opened our world to an understanding of things and culture and sensitivity and awareness in ways we would never have.  She created a community for us that would not have been forged....and it is about adoption and ethnic understanding and sensory world and ADHD and pre-maturity and exceptional deep Holy Spirit love...because she does all of that she teaches us every day. 

Precious is breath-takingly beautiful.  She had a deep and complex soul that is much older than her years.  She struggles with mundane and ordinary things but exchanges that struggle for a very deep understanding of what matters.  She is a protector and a justice-seeker.  She needs the world to be fair.  She has a huge vault of compassion and patience for children younger than her.  Huge.  God will call her to something great and important.  For sure. 

If Precious had not been born on this day, 9 years ago, and if her birth mama had not decided that we should be her family.....we would have missed out on something incredible this side of Heaven.  We would have missed out on a "yes" that was important.  If her birth mama had not chosen to give her a life and a future the world would have missed out on something incredible this side of Heaven.  This child matters, not just to me as her mom, or to Roger or to friends and family who love her.  She matters to Jesus. 

I hope her birth mama remembered that today was her birthday.  I believe she did.  I hope she was blessed by God today because she gave this exceptional child life and breath and purpose...and her name.  Bless you birth mama.  Bless you today and every August 21.  You did good. 

When the boys got home from lifting and everyone else woke up we opened presents with Precious.  We got breakfast from McDonalds because that is what she wanted.  We gathered up a handful of her friends and went to lunch at Subway and then to a really fun children's museum an hour away called "LaunchPad".  We found a fun bakery called The Sugar Shack just a half mile away and treated the kiddos to gourmet cupcakes before going home.  My mom and Rick came for dinner and we had pizza which is also one of Precious' love languages.....and a crazy "cake" that is a big bopper ice cream treat in a birthday cake size....who knew? 

I think we accomplished the goal with her, as we do with each of our kids.  We want their birthday to make them feel loved and important and special. 

Tomorrow we move Claire to college....and do high school orientation for Jeremiah...and open house for Precious and Josiah.  I have one more kiddo to post about tomorrow night.....and lots of thoughts to process regarding all of the changes going on around here right now. 

Thanks for reading and following our journey through this one path of life.  We only get this one run through it.  Remember that.  We don't get a do over or a rewind.  We get this one time to wake up, do our 24 hours and repeat.  How long we sleep, how much time we spend at work or on social media or working out or eating or shopping or whatever......we don't get it back.  We get one run-through.  Every single moment matters.  Big and small.  Piles of luggage and boxes stacked to move out matter.  Barbie toys and birthday wrappings matter.   Dirty dishes and pizza boxes all matter.  They all tell my story of today. 

I will say good-night to this day soon.  I will bless the wrapping paper, the pizza boxes, the luggage and boxes for Claire (that make me choke back tears), the un-dusted china cabinet, the un-washed basket in the bathroom and the un-scrubbed bedroom carpet.  I will say good-night to all of it and bless it because I won't pass by it again.  Tomorrow moves forward....over and over again.  


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