Isaac, changing seasons and a prayer....

Isaac is at work this Sunday night. . He works most of the Sunday nights lately because football season has begun which keeps him busy most of the week.  I asked 2 years ago when he started working at Culvers that he not work before 2pm on Sundays so that we could have our Sunday dinner as a family.  It is often the only meal we can all share at the same time.  The management has honored that request.  They also asked him to consider doing the shift manager training which is kind a cool.  It's not the best paying job with the best hours but its a pretty good gig for a high school kid.

I noticed last evening that the weather felt different.  It was still warm but felt a cooler version of warm.....and tonight I noticed that it is getting dark earlier.  Football season, cooler days, earlier sunsets.....the season is changing again.

Summer is on its way out and Fall is knocking at the door.  For Isaac, he will start his junior year at Western Christian High School.  He got to choose where to go to high school and this was a good choice for him.  He is thriving there.  He gets good grades, has nice friends and stays out of trouble.   We are starting to talk to him about college visits with him and he would rather not think about it.....I don't really blame him. 

Isaac loves less stress, less noise, less people, less hassle.  He likes his room clean.  He doesn't waste time.  I am choosing to trust him to know when he should start to plan past high school.  One kid at a time around here. 

I pray for Isaac that God guides his thoughts and actions.  I pray that God will touch him with His Holy Spirit and move him to care deeply about things that are on the Father's heart.  I pray that God will make Isaac want to live for the widow, the orphan, the least of these, which is the biblical mandate.  It won't make him rich or successful.  It sure won't make him popular.  It is hard to pray a prayer that will rob him of those things because the world says we need them and we should spend our time chasing after wealth, success and the approval of people.....and happiness.  I pray God will give Isaac something bigger than happiness. 

I pray that God will also give Isaac solid friends and a loving wife someday.  I do pray this because I know that he is worth the time of anyone who chooses him.  He is sweet.  He is kind.  He has a really dry, sarcastic sense of humor that I love.  He remembers lines from movies he watched years ago.  He can sit in silence and not squirm.  He is deep and he has so much potential.  I pray the world doesn't rob him of all that potential....and God protects him and moves him all the days of his life. 


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