The 11th and 12 days of Christmas......and Epiphany.

I need to finish what I started with the possible secret meanings of the 12 Days of Christmas.  It technically finished on January 5 but I'm wrapping it up today.  Go figure. 

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:  The Eleven Faithful Disciples.  They were Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James bar Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas bar James.  (I don't know what "bar" means....I copied this list from the internet. 

The 12th day is the 12 points of belief in The Apostles Creed. 
The Apostles Creed was my desperate cry at a time in my life when I was at the bottom of the well, the end of myself and I had lost all hope and courage.  I no longer could clearly know what was true and real and what was a lie....and God began to whisper back to me the words of The Apostles Creed, The Lord's Prayer and John 3:16, and the 23rd Psalm....after a long season of not going to church or reviewing them.  He gave them back to me as tools to gain strength and hope......and they have power. 

It is said that the 12 days after Christmas are the days of the journey of the three Wise Men or Magi.  After these 12 days of Christmas, December 6 marks The Epiphany, also known as 3 Kings Day.  (One year I think we asked Nana to bake us a cake with a king in it......this year we did Saturday stuff and didn't really call attention to it.) 

I think that if the folk lore is true, and that the 3 kings did find Jesus on this 12th day after Christmas......that would have been a very sacred and holy visit.


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