
There is a trend this year, at the dawn of this new year, on social media.  The trend is to choose a word for the year.....kind of a theme word to guide the year.  I think it is half inspiring and half I wasn't eager to embrace the trend.  I reluctantly considered it, though.  In the moments I considered it, nothing really awesome came to mind.  I let it go.  Later, in prayer, I did ask God.  I said that if He had a word for me, that I would take it more seriously.  More or less, I said, Lord, if you have a word for me let me know.  If not, that's fine too. 

Some time later, maybe days, maybe hours, I'm not sure, I was sitting beside Precious.  We had had a rough day and I was feeling spent.  I reached for her hand and her strong long slim fingers laced within mine.  I leaned in to her, like we do with someone we love very much, and in that moment when our hands connected and our bodies met I heard a word.  Acceptance.  Acceptance.  Not Hope.  Not Believe.  Not inspire.  Not the kind of word that looks cool on a necklace or t-shirt.......Acceptance. 

It is just like God to give me a weird word.  It's complicated.  It's mysterious.  It is not obvious......and I think He delights in leading me down these journeys.  He loves to challenge me to His complexity, His mystery, His hidden wisdom.......and so I accepted.  I accepted the word Acceptance.  Not right away.....I first googled the word, read the definition, considered the worst possible scenario to saying yes to acceptance.....and as I studied it, I got a bit curious and even maybe flattered that He would choose Acceptance for in worship at church on Sunday I said "yes" to Him and "yes" to acceptance. 

I will strive to unpack this word and all it could mean for me in 2018 and I will ask the Lord to give me His wisdom and power to understand it.  How about you?  Are you willing to ask Him for a word, too?  I think that just maybe He has a few ideas if you  are. 

Acceptance:  taking or receiving something offered. 


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