weighty Wednesday

     This morning I drove into work on this very cold and windy Wednesday morning.  I had a very full schedule for today.  I am also fighting the virus that has plagued Josiah for weeks and weeks......he is on the mend......
      I had a conversation that troubled me deeply.....and the issues that made my heart ache involved foster care and children in foster care over Christmas.  It involved the torture of mental illness and suicide battles.  It involved the brokenness in homes that causes children to grow up to be broken adults who try to raise their children in a lost and very broken world.....and something called the ACE score that measures the impact of childhood trauma on adult chronic illness.  I do work in public health, ya know.  A situation came to mind of a teenager who is out on the streets this month, living alone and cold.  I cannot fix these things.  I am a nurse.  I look for ways to fix things!
      Easy things can be fixed with a hug, a kiss, a band-aid or an ice pack.  Harder things can be worked on and maybe fixed with prayer, with g race and forgiveness, with therapy and/or medication.  The hardest things....the things on my mind today....are things I just cannot fix.

     I got out of my vehicle and tried to organize my day at the office, and fight back tears as I sorted through my thoughts and put it all in some drawer of my soul until I could handle it again......and in my prayerful thoughts and my thought-filled prayer style that I move through my day with the Lord.....I whispered to Holy God......."I just feel the weight of the world on my shoulders right now....." and immediately He whispered back to my soul......"and the government will be upon His shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful.....Counselor.....Mighty God.....Prince of Peace".  
      So here is the good news today.  The weight of this world is on His shoulders.  Not mine.  Not yours and the government will be upon Him.  Not me.  I can go to sleep tonight without stressing about any of the things that hurt my heart this morning.  I still feel them.  I still care.  In any ways I can help fix things, I surely will do so.  When I cannot, I will trust that Mighty God will deal with them in His government.  


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