
Baby Jesus is back with His folks in the manger.  Roger found him while digging for something else (don't ask) under the chair cushion.  It's crazy because he has been missing for days and days....but once I highlighted the issue, he showed up.

Maybe that's how it is in life sometimes.  We don't notice or care that he isn't obvious.....until someone brings it up.  Maybe it's a good sermon in church, which is a case in point to attend church.  Maybe it's a song, or a conversation, or simply conviction by the Holy Spirit....but somehow, we are freshly aware that we do not see Him.....we cannot find Him.....and so we may or may not decide to address that.

He is never far.  Sometimes, he is right under our noses....or our bums, depending.  But.  He is always near.  The bible tells us so.  He wants to be missed and more importantly.....Jesus wants to be found.  


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