my Christmas note

It's Christmas Day!  We made it!  The gifts are mostly all opened.  We have one party left later today....soup and sandwiches and bingo with aunties and uncles......My Uncle Todd has beaten the odds over and over again in 2016 and we get to celebrate Christmas with him again this year.  I don't know anyone who fights harder to keep living here on Earth than him.  I am eager to give him a Christmas kiss in a couple of hours.....and then wup his butt in Bingo to make sure I get the gift I want.  (just kidding....sorta).

Claire is starting to pack for Haiti.  She leaves tomorrow in the dark of night with a group that will fly to One Vision Childrens Home and love on some kids, paint some buildings, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.  If we head to Walmart tomorrow....and that's a big will be in search of hackey sacks for her to pack and share with the kids there. Claire was commissioned for her trip in church this morning....and then we took Communion....and we worshipped Him.  Jesus.  The author of everything and the King of all.  This Lord that we bow to had a birthday today.  This day matters.

Thank you to everyone who blessed us this year with gifts, with cards, with love.  The Kredits are feeling overwhelmed with goodness and we are very grateful.

We didn't get a Christmas letter out this year but if we had it might have shared some funny things if Roger wrote it.....but since its just me bloggin away, I'll give the basics.

2016 is almost behind us.....and when I look back to the beginning I cannot believe all that we have done!  Our exchange student, Grace, finished her senior year in our home, graduated from high school and flew home to South Korea.  We had hugs and tears in May as she said good-bye and we miss her every day!

Claire started her junior year at Unity Christian High School this fall and continues to love dance team, orchestra, her job at Petals and Perks shop in our local mall, and the classes she helps teach and the classes she takes at Robin's School of Dance.  She is super-busy and loves to stay involved in everything.  My favorite thing to share about Claire is her love for missions and specifically the orphanage of One Vision in Haiti.  She and Roger served there in June and she could not wait to go back.

Isaac graduated from Sioux Center Christian last spring when Grace graduated from high school  (yea.  busy week).  He played baseball all summer and did some babysitting.  In the fall he started high school at Western Christian High School (that's right.  they are going to different high schools.  sigh.)  He decided not to play football this fall and focus on adjusting to a big high school and I decided that he was NOT going to sit on the couch and play video games every day after school.  He got a job at Culvers.  He LOVES it!  He plans to play soccer and baseball this year.

Jeremiah is in 7th grade at Sioux Center Christian and stays busy with.....well....everything.  He is a very social dude and really likes to have something to do.  He is the sweetest, kindest child every created. He is helpful, he is good.  I talked his dad into getting him a phone for Christmas because, well, I just wanted to spoil him.  I won.  He's spoiled but deserving.  And I love his smile.

Precious is in 1st grade this year.  She dances at the studio and increased her time there to 5 classes every week.  She loves music.  She is a social bug like her brother Jeremiah and loves to have places to go and things to do.  She is excelling at school, becoming a really good reader.  She also loves art and something that could become science.  For now it looks like making "potions" in the bathroom...but stay tuned!

Josiah turned 4 in November and he is simply the delight of our lives.  He is a classic youngest child...gets away with everything and mom gives into his every whim....he is a lover and a laugher.....and our gift.  Like most 4 year olds in America, he loves all things super-hero.  Oh, and he loves the hot tub.

In March, Roger found a used hot tub in a town nearby.  We found some loyal friends to help us move it, tore up our yard and our fence, and got it in the backyard.  In the late spring we paid a mint to an electrician to get the thing to run...and then Roger and Isaac built a fortified fence......and I told him....Happy Fathers Day.....Happy Birthday.....Merry Christmas....and he goes out to his hot tub most nights for a moonlight soak.

If you follow this blog, you pretty much know what I am up to on a regular basis.  I beg Roger to consider adopting again.....I cook and clean and do laundry and go to work.  I love my job......I love my family.  I love my Jesus.  I have been entrusted with so, so much and I am humbled that God will allow me so much territory.  It is my daily hope and prayer that I can be found faithful.

Merry Christmas kind.  Be good.  Be generous.  Be real.  Be ready.


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