Christmas is almost here! I'm doing a mental inventory so why not share it.....

Christmas is almost here.  Those of us who LOVE Christmas are waiting in the pregnant pause, the anticipation, the expectation of all that is coming soon.....the love, the laughter, family, gifts, good food, good will and glad tidings.  For those of you who do not like Christmas at all....its almost over.

Very generous friends have been shopping and wrapping packages for families that were not going to have a very happy Christmas.  They are calling me and texting and messaging me for pick up and drop off instructions.....The recipients of these gifts are overwhelmed by the generosity of others....and therein lies the Christmas Spirit.  for me.  I want to say Thank You to all of you who contact me year after year and ask for a family to bless.  Thank you for including me in your good will and glad tidings and allowing me to deliver your packages and your good cheer.  Thank you for caring about people you may never meet, and not just doing the bare minimum but going well beyond any hopes and expectations!  Your actions do not go unnoticed in the heavens or here on earth.  Thank you.

I am making lists of what I will bring to parties to eat....and planning my grocery trip.  I am counting off the presents in my head (or checking Roger's spread sheet) to make sure that the gifts under the tree mostly come out even.......and I am resisting the urge to go buy Precious a doll.

I have been able to buy a doll at Christmas for most of 17 years.....and I love, love, love....a Christmas doll.  I'm quietly sad today because Precious is 7....and Claire is 17......and Josiah got his boy doll 2 years ago and really isn't into it.  Precious didn't want a doll this year.  She has lots of dolls.  I want to buy a doll.  I do.  Well, I did, actually, for 2 of my clients, but seriously....I want.  To buy.  A doll.  I want a little girl I love to open the gift of a doll from under the Christmas tree and I want her to hold it and love it and tuck it under her arm and carry it around with her everywhere she goes...but if I buy Precious yet another doll......that she doesn't want......its a waste of money.  Sigh.  I may have to get over it.  Permanently.  Sigh.  Really, really sad over this one.  If someone out there knows of a little girl who would love a doll for Christmas, or any time, really, please let me know.  I just love to give the gift of a doll.....

Precious and I made a ginger bread house today.  I have read most if not all of our Christmas books to the little kids at bedtime.......and I have heard every version of every Christmas song created......multiple times.  I'm ready.  I had my moment with God, preparing my soul for Christmas at a concert last week....I am in awe of my Savior's gift all over new again.  We have watched Elf, Christmas with the Kranks, The Sound of Music, The Grinch.....and the Christmas movies left may not happen.  I watched the really great ones.  I have attended half a dozen concerts and programs this month......and given treats and gifts to all those who help me do life, like the woman who cleans for me, the dog groomer, the violin teacher, etc.

I think I'm ready.  I will go watch Claire dance in a bit.....her pointe class has a Christmas observation time.  I sent Roger to watch Precious do hers last night.  My 2 grade school kids have one more day of school tomorrow.  The high schoolers are done....and then we have arrived at Christmas time.

May you all have a blessed and Christ-filled Christmas this week and may you experience love and goodness and Peace in our Lord and Savior.  May you survive the craziness of families, the mania of children melting down because they had too much junk food and were up too late and got too much stuff.....and may you be kind to everyone you see.  May you smile, and sleep, and notice the things that matter, in honor of Jesus.  Merry Christmas.  


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