the very loud crunch

Beside me is a sweet little guy, my youngest son.  He has very soft, sweet, squeezable feet.  I love it when the day is done and he is in his jammies snuggled in beside me.  His socks come off and I can hold those soft little feet for a few moments.  they don't stay soft and sweet for long.

A few blinks ago, another little guy sat beside me on this couch at night.  He also had very soft and sweet feet that I could hold in my hand and sqeeze and stroke and adore.  Today, that boy put on dressy clothes and I drove him to a fast food restaurant in town and he interviewed for his first job.  He was nervous.  I was......given pause.  The "interview" only took 15 minutes and if he decides he is serious about working, he has a spot at this place.  The manager asked what he would do with the money he earned.  I think that's super cool.  It makes me smile because she is someone I went to school with long, long ago.  She is good people.  I trust her with my boy.  He wants to save his money to help pay for a car in a couple years.  He is a typical teen boy in America.  Sometimes, at least for me, seeing typical is a reward.
This world....these days we live in.....are really hard, hard days to raise children.  We raise them anyway and pray for protection and wisdom and ask for forgiveness when we fall short of our best.....every single day.  Days like today make me hopeful.....and melancholy......

Remember that hermit crab we inherited last spring from friends?  Precious named it "Happy".  We offered it to her First grade classroom in August....and her teacher was so great about teaching the class, sharing the chores to feed Happy, etc.  Well, Happy didn't survive the weekend.  Her awesome teacher cleaned up the habitat and put Happy in a ziploc bag so he wouldn't start to stink.  She put all of the elements of Happy's life into a cardboard box and I messaged her that I would come to school today and pick up Precious and Happy and "take care of it".  When I got to school, she was ready with a tidy box all taped shut.

We got home and Precious was ready to go find a neighbor to play.  I had to take Isaac to his job interview.  I told Precious to put the box in the garage and we would do a proper burial after dad got home from Texas......

Isaac and I got home around 5pm and I had had a full day.  I pushed the garage door opener and slowly entered the garage.....and there was a very.....loud.....crunch.  Postmordum.....Happy and the habitat got run over by my vehicle.....because......well......that's how it goes.


  1. I'm just imagining Isaac trying not to bust out laughing at the thought of running over happy and your face.


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