ole Faithful
Here is Old Faithful, the guizer at Yellowstone National Park that erupts like clockwork several times a day. Many tourists (including us) wait and wait for the smoke to billow up and we clap and cheer.....and then wander back to our families, our vacations, our regularity. I'm feeling like Old Faithful a bit. I was scrolling through facebook and saw pictures of a fashion show that took place in town last night. It looked like a super fun event.....that I knew nothing about. Nothing. Our town is rather small so a fashion show should have been on my radar, even if I didn't plan to attend. I had no idea. My family functions better if I am home in the evening. Several years ago, I stopped committing to evening activities so that I could be home and fix dinner, clean up, check homework or whatever. Being here when the kids go to bed makes bedtime work better.
I had a physical this month and the bloodwork shows its time to start taking supplements of Vitamin D, B6 and B12.....and probiotics. Good grief. Getting old is just something, isn't it?
Old Faithful blows its stack ever few hours.....and here too, despite my strongest prayers and pleas to not be a mom who yells at her kids. Good grief. Old Faithful, you are beautiful. You are classic. You are reliable. You do not disappoint. You do your job. I will resolve to be and do the same. 
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