It was lots of fun to post on the blog when we announced we were adopting, and to chronicle our adventure to Precious this way....and also to navigate the journey to Josiah via blog. Blogging has been a way for me to record and remember the process and growth and miracle of adoption. It is also where I record the hard losing Josiah's birth mom.....and not getting to adopt our little flower in India..... Today was a hard day as an adoptive family. Precious woke up crabby and just negative and wrong. Everything was wrong. For no reason. She was whining and flailing and fretting about as we tried to get dressed for the day and I said something like, "what is wrong? you have a good life, hunny. You have friends and family and food and a bedroom and toys and school.....why are you so unhappy?"......looking back, I guess I set her up. I won't ask those questions again. She began to cry and say she missed birth mom. ...