the Love love and be loved

  Valentine's Day is a great time to celebrate and take inventory of the Love Factor.  Some people hate it because it brings up things that cause pain.....lonliness....someone they have lost or never had.  Some people love it because they earn their living selling things that are tied to this day, such as flowers, candy, fine dining, jewelry.....Media exploits it, making us wish for the romantic comedy we watch at the movies, or long for the life we believe is possible on the other side of an internet's all part of the Love Factor.  

    I joined a group that had a goal to walk 60 miles in February and raise money for heart disease and research....I figured I could do that and celebrate Valentine's day in a healthful way this year....well it must have been warm that day....I think I only have 3 of the 60 miles completed and February is half way done.  I guess if I walk 4 miles a day for the next 2 weeks without missing a day I could still achieve the goal....but will I?  Is it an unrealistic expectation for me considering the weather and my busy schedule?  Not sure.....I'll have to weigh it into the Love Factor and see what happens.  

    I wanted to bless my 2 kiddos who still live at home with a valentines treat.  I've done this for our kids forever.  Much of the supply was picked over when I got to Target last night so instead I found some really cool stuff for Black History Month for Precious and Joe....and some chocolate....and some Christmas gummy candy that I had stashed away and forgot about.....and since I love all of these things that works for me.  I also found some really cool artwork at Target for their rooms that made me love everything about Black History month as well as celebrating the heritage of my children beyond their adopted heritage.....

    I had a really long and arduous work I ordered from the Pizza Hut and we ate at 5pm so that Joe could go to basketball practice and Precious could disappear into her tween world and I could throw away paper plates and all factors into love.  Mine for them, and mine for me.  

    Roger is out of town this week but we celebrated early and did dinner and a movie last weekend because the Love Factor extends far beyond February should come lots of days before and after this day because to love and be loved is a daily need.  

    We were created for loving relationships that allow us to be seen, heard and known...and to use our time and energy to extend that love to everyone and everything around us.  The Love factor supersedes us and moves beyond us.....but do not doubt that we were created to love.  That's why Valentines Day matters.  

    There have been some songs written about how Love is a's true.  Love is action, intention, and so much more than a day on a calendar.  

Love the seasons, the experiences, the ideals we reach for and the melancholy of memory.  Love the wonder of life, the respect for the significance, the blissful ignorance of turning away once in awhile just to catch your breath.  Love the good, love the hard, love the coming and going and rising and falling of the rhythms of our lives and most of all.....let them love you back.  


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