not everyone sees the same things

 You know what you don't see at a sub-state soccer game?  You don't see the mom of a senior and the wife of the opposing team's head coach find eachother for a hug mid-game because they are friends and they need to find eachother and remember that they know that one will end up winning and the other will not and they both love their guys and they both love soccer.  They remind each other that while it is just a game it also matters to not just their guys but to them because it just does.  So they don't just hug once but two or three times.  

    You don't see how cold all the spectators are because although it is late May the rain is cold and the wind is blowing and everyone is shivering but won't leave because we are cheering for our favorite teams and in Iowa we are not wimps.  We show up and brave the weather and we cheer.

    You don't see 2 athletic directors stomp out shoulder to shoulder, in step, united when things get heated on the field to stand with officials as fights break out among the players in the middle of the game.  The ADs are there to not only break up the fight but to remind their players (and the noisy fans and family members on the sidelines) that this is a civil experience of high school sports and we are going to conduct ourselves accordingly.

    You maybe don't see my son who happens to be a really cool kid who always seems to be talking to the guys on the other team, whomever he is matched up against.  Tonight he was chatting with a really good player, who was super fast, and I could tell that since the ball was in play on the other side of the field they were both catching their breath for a minute and sharing a short conversation.  Jeremiah smiled at the other player and they both took a deep breath and shared a fist bump.  Play resumed and it was heated and fast and intense, and maybe you didn't see it.  I did. 

    You don't see lots of things when there is a lot going on and assumptions are made and opinions are spread that turn into whatever it becomes.....but maybe it is worth wondering about the things that others maybe see that you missed....that are part of the beautiful things of life that you just don't always see.  


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