Morning prayers in May

 As I woke up this morning my waking thoughts turned to prayer.  Immediately I began to ask God for some very specific things....beg him even.  He is pretty used to how this goes for us.  Eventually in the day I can get to the place of reading scripture, prayers of thankfulnes, of worship and quiet listening and meditation, but my first waking moments are usually those first things that are the deepest needs.  Lord, help.  If today is going to go well, then please help with this part.....and the list goes on and on.  Eventually I get out of bed and start to do my part.

As I was praying in bed, and going through my list, God brought to mind a photo I took yesterday in the afternoon.  We had a crazy busy day yesterday and today will be the same.  Tomorrow and the next day and the next day will be just as crazy and to be quite honest I cannot see a day on the calender that looks quiet for quite a I am really grateful for this little gift of awareness that He gave me in the early hours of this Saturday.  The picture could have been taken on anyone's front lawn yesterday because the scene is sweet, mild and familiar.  If you know the back story you would know it represents a list of answered prayer.  This is why the Lord brought it to mind for me this morning.  As I was interceding and supplicating my heart cry list, he shared a huge reminder of all the ways He has answered my prayers so far and by doing so He didn't tell me that this list would be granted like the wave of a magic wand. I did receive the message loud and clear that everything would be ok. 

 God has it in control....and even if the prayers are not answered the way I want, that He is still good and His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us.  I write these words today because I know that I know that I know that someone will read this today who needs to hear it.  Boy, as sure as I sit here and type do I know this truth.  I hope you can take a minute to look at the picture and smile and give glory to God with me as this day's devotion.  

1.  He sent the rain and watered the earth and eased the drought. (May 2022)

2.  A little boy found his forever home after a terrifying season of not knowing what would happen next.

3.  A family who had invested much in an international adoption suddenly had that dream taken away and were distraught, crying out "why?" and a week later a baby boy came who needed a safe place.  He never left. (May 2013)

4.  In the midst of covid, a child needed not just foster care but a family who would teach him to swim and help him know Jesus and connect him to a forever love of baseball.  (May 2020)

5.  Well.  Baseball.  Need I say more?  Baseball is comin' y'all.  


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