Isaiah 49:13

" Shout for joy, you Heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains!  For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones."

    I have spent time this month in worship, remembering God's faithfulness, and standing in awe of His plans....I have looked at the past year and remembered the hard things and the sweet and good things and as I look ahead to this new year I am on this mountain....shouting for joy and bursting in song and also yelling out as loud as I can....oh my dear ones....He will comfort you and will have comfort on your afliction.  I promise.  I promise.  I've been there.  I'm sure I will take my turn once again soon enough.  I am coming out of a season of so much hard....and am acutely aware of the suffering around me.  It prickles and tingles like static in dry air....and when we connect I feel that little shock one gets when the air is dry.  Trust me when I say...shout for joy anyway.....rejoice and sing.....and if circumstance doesn't give you enough to do so then look around.  Step outside.  Notice the sunrise....the birds....the crisp air....the beauty of a quiet sleeping field....the majesty of an eagle high on a tree branch.  Be amazed by a sleeping newborn baby.  Be overwelmed by simple goodness and overwhelming greatness....stand on that mountain of your soul and declare it to the one who knows, the one who created all things and will not pass you by.....get on your knees and pray and lift up your hands and praise....

Grieve when you must.  Reach out when you need to.  Lift your hands in praise whenever you can....even when it is hard....and when it is less hard....notice that, too.

Stand on that mountain and find your song....lately my songs have been from the soundtrack of Hamilton....because I love it so much and it makes me happy....and makes me move...and sing and laugh and dance....and sometimes its from a worship song from Tasha Layton that says....Though the Mountains may be moved into the sea...though the ground beneath might crumble  and give way...I can hear my Father singin over's gonna be ok...

I have found tremendous joy in worshipping God and praising Him in nature....whether I am happy or sad and if things are going right or wrong....and I think that may be the call to the mountain when we are with God.  Go to that place that gives perspective....and a bigger view of what's going on.  Now, in this pause after the hard and before whatever is coming next, all I can do is praise...and when I close my eyes and sing and pray I see God in creation....because that is where I know Him best and where all of the faithfulness and truth of Him is....and never changes.....even in January in Iowa....where there actually are no mountains.  


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