a story of stew

 You know when you are scrolling down facebook and you see the photos of all those yummy recipes?  If you are in the mood they look good and if you are really hungry or really full they look really aweful.  Isn't that odd?  Lately I was in the mood and shared a bunch of warm, hearty recipes I'm sure many of you saw....one of them was a soup with smoked sausage, potato and sour kraut.  This one appealed to me for several reasons....it was wintery....hearty and warm and full of the things I like when its cold and dark outside.  Sour kraut is something I want to eat more of because it has many health benefits but I'm not super crazy about it, so I was challenged to try it in soup.  I love smoked sausage, a.k.a ring bologna.  My favorite school lunch as a child was ring bologna, tater tots, apple sauce and a chocolate chip cookie....all in seperate sections on the lunch tray.  With chocolate milk in a carton.  yum.  

Tonight I made the sausage potato kraut stew and yes, it was stew not soup because last night I made cheese tortellini tomato soup and I can't make soup two days in a row or my kids will start to buck at me (well, Isaac did and even though he no longer lives here I am very sensitive about my soup schedule).  When it's cold outside and everyone has the sniffles it feels so right to chop onions and boil potatoes and stir steamy things in the afternoon in January.  I was moving along well, following my recipe, and then I decided to add some health benefit to my stew and threw in a bag of frozen kale.  Well.  The kale took over.  I mean....took.  over. Tsunami wave, overwhelming, where did that come from kind of take-over.   It was like.   Hi!  I'm kale in a pot with a few potatoes and some sausage bites hiding under me.....oh nooooooo!  what to do, what to do?  Jeremiah is pretty willing to eat whatever I make.....and Josiah as well if I dim the lights and pour a big glass of milk....and Roger is gone on a work trip but seriously.....this pot needed some help and fast.  

Thankfully, some swiss cheese and some more liquid to thin things down a bit helped, and then topping it with bacon bits and crunchy croutons did indeed finish off the stew factor. (unfortunately the health benefits disappeared rather quickly with all of the stuff I started pouring into the pot but oh well, at this point I was just trying to save dinner).   I served it up to Jeremiah with a disclaimer that it would be "never to be repeated" as a stew recipe and his response was "well then I'm sure it's gonna be really good".  Guess what?  He was right.  Thanks goodness.  

I think I'll wrap this up and go find some tooth floss....I think I have a bit of kale in my teeth.....


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