John 14:1-4

 John 14:1-4 says...."Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, trust also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going."  

This is the scripture that my step-mom Mary had in mind when my dad died early Sunday was a verse that he had shared with her when she lost her own father....and she remembered.  Jesus is speaking to his disciples here....trying to help them understand that he is leaving because he needs to go.  He is saying that there is in the Father's house, in Heaven, for all of them....for all of us.  He went ahead to prepare the place for us....and promised to come back for us.  

We went to see Buzz Friday night.  When we got ready to leave, he said "well I might make it another week..."I smiled and kissed his forhead and said, "dad, when you are ready you just go.  it's ok.  we will see you on the other side."  

Buzz was preparing to go....knowing his days were numbered and that he would not be here long.  He was thinking of the words to an old hymn he once knew....that sang about oh what a day that will be when my Jesus I will see....and he was preparing for Jesus to come for him just like the bible said he would in John 14.  Dad and Mary were together for 39 years....and they could pass time in similar ways with similar thoughts even though they each were on their own path.  His would end with Jesus.  Hers would end with planning his funeral and moving on without him...but knowing that the verses aren't just for him but for her and for all of us.  Don't let your hearts be troubled.  Don't be afraid.  Trust in God.  Trust that Jesus is preparing a place for each of us and when it is our time.....He will come back for us and take us to where he is....

The call...the assignment...the challenge is in the last part.  "you know the way to the place where I am going" that's it.  Do you know?  Do you know the way?  

I know.  

Knowing is the key that opens the gate....and allows us to enter into the Father's house.  It is the key to everlasting goodness that never goes away...and safety and love that is forever....this life is limited.  There is an end date stamped for every living soul....and what happens next depends on what we know.  

I know.  So did Buzz....

It has nothing to do with good works or worldly succes.  It has nothing to do with getting it's really just all about Jesus.  Knowing Him.  Striving for what matters to Him....and living with a face turned toward Jesus.  

So a parting gift to my dad...we can think a bit more about doing just that.  Turning toward Jesus....studying his life....learning what mattered to Him.  Maybe we could just think about how Jesus is preparing a place for each of us and doing what we can on this side of life and death so that in that moment when we move from here to there....we understand the direction we are facing.  

Do not let your hearts be in God and know that he is already preparing the place for us.  


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