a bit more of the story.....

 If you were following along with the love story I wrote about in October, take the bookmark out of the page.  Read on.

The love story progresses.  The journey to the happily ever after is frought with twists and turns and hills and valleys.  Two steps forward and three steps back as we navigate the trees and try to remember the forest they live in.  We keep moving forward even though at times it feels like we are simply jogging in place....this path to the happily ever after is full of pot holes and knarly roots that trip us up.  We are a bit scraped up and bruised and feeling tender in areas.....but we keep turning the pages.  The little boy is the hero of this story.  He has been acutely aware of every twist and turn and asked why and how and when and what if....and often why over and over and over....up the hills and down the valleys.  He sees the trees and has so many questions about them and why each one is placed in this forest....and he talks about God and how God designed it all....and when he trips on a root or stumbles into a pot hole I would like to say I gently lift him back out safely but often I don't.  Often I panic and turn away because it is so so hard to keep facing forward and leading or pulling or pushing or scooping up all the feelings and all the actions and all the words of the story.  

I promised him I would walk with him and so we journey on.  I've been on the phone a lot and have also written lots of emails and updates and summoned so many prayers from the saints who intercept us along the way.  

Tomorrow is a big day.  Think of us if you can.  We are going to take a really scary walk across a deep ravine together and the bridge is pretty fragile-looking but I have tested it and I know it is safe to travel.  It won't be very far on the other side of the ravine but once I get him across that rattly bridge I won't be going much farther.  He has people waiting for him down the road a bit and when he gets to them I will turn back and return to this side of the story.  His story will continue on but there will be new writers and a whole new land that doesn't really involve me.  I will shift from author to reader...and that is as it should be for the happily ever after here.  


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