Holy Week Day 4

 Here is a list of what Holy Week is not.....

1.  It is not spring break.

2.  It is not permission to go shopping for a new dress/hat/shoes.

3.  It is not more time to sleep in or relax or plant bulbs or go on vacation.

4.  It is not bunnies and chocolate.

5.  It is not time off of work and school

6.  It is not packing away winter gear and taking out sandles and shorts.

7.  It is not easter egg hunts.

8.  It is not family gatherings.

9.  It is not a big meal at noon this coming Sunday with ham and deviled eggs and rolls and pie.

10.  It is not.  about.  us.

It is about Jesus.  

I am taking the rest of the week off from work and taking our kids for a mini-vacation and we will buy new spring clothes and we will relax and we may visit a garden center to get inspired for spring planting.  We may eat chocolate bunnies.  We will not work or be in school.  We will enjoy not taking out stocking caps and gloves and snow pants and we may even hide easter eggs and we will definitely spend time with family.  We will break bread with family and enjoy good things after church on Sunday after Easter Church.  We will do all 10 on the list but know this....none of it is Holy Week.  None of it is Jesus.

Oh Jesus....let us find you in this Holy Week in the quiet place.  Let us....let me....think about you in the garden, praying, hoping that Father God would take this cup from you.....let our hearts break when we understand that even though you asked to be spared....you knew you would go.  You would go all the way to that cross.  For me.  For us.  You didn't go for you....you were good without it.  You were good without new clothes and chocolate eggs and vacation....and you knew we would want all of that and still want your sacrifice.  I'm so sorry we couldn't be better...I'm so sorry.  I'm also so so grateful.  

for Holy Week.


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