Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Day 1

 This is Holy Week for Christians.  It is the week before Easter and the journey to the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  I have a new opportunity this year with extra Kredit.  XK didn't have a Jesus Easter before....this is his first.  He's been learning at school and so he had a start.  Last night I helped him watch some videos on kids Easter stories and he was captivated.  He paid attention.  He learned.  At bedtime we talked about Jesus and the betrayal of Judas and his trial by Pontius Pilate and where his mama was when this was happening.  We prayed before bed, thanking Jesus for all he had done.  Today in church he watched the kids parade in with palm branches waving.  He sat on my lap and watched them sing Hosannahs to Jesus....and he was captivated.  He paid attention.  He learned.  

After church we came home as we do every week and I started lunch.  He wanted to watch the same videos again.  He's like that.  He likes repitition.  He watched them and we talked about it.  He is particularly interested in Judas and the betrayal and how bad that was.....and how Pilate stood up for Jesus and tried to stop it.  That's a good day one thought for Holy Week.  Judas and his selfishness, wanting something for himself.....and how that is me/us all the time....and Pilate who sees Jesus clearly.....and how I/we should try to do that.

XK said he was glad he was learning about Jesus and my heart just filled with the Holy Spirit in my kitchen at 11am on Sunday.  I said, "buddy...me too.  and do you how much Jesus loves you?  He loves you enough that he knew you and saw you and wanted you to know him....and he led you to our house so that we could teach you about Him.....he loves you so much.  I'm so glad you could be at our house for awhile and learn about Jesus....and Jesus....he will always be with you and fight for you and love you.  Long after you don't live here anymore.  He is your God."  I was weeping and XK wondered if I was sad and I said no, not at all.  My tears are because my heart is so so full and I am feeling such big feelings about how glad I am that you know Jesus and you know how much he loves you. 

He might not be in church with us on Sunday if he ends up on a family visit....and he might not eat an Easter meal next week Sunday with our family.....but this kiddo got him some Easter truth today.  and I am grateful.  


  1. Oh friend. Easter truth is such a blessing. You are doing good work!

    1. couldn't do it without your love and support and constant affirmations Jen.


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