why its 14 days of fun here

 I have a personal challenge going and I feel compelled to expand on it a bit since I am just over halfway through it.  It involved 14 days straight of being purposeful and intentional and doing something fun with my 3 younger kiddos. That may seem whimsical and carefree, if not a bit crazy, but let me explain.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas break, I was in a state of fear and dread.  How would I keep them happy and entertained?  No one was available to provide child care.   I needed to get at least the minimum amount of work done for my job, so I needed distraction and contentment here at home since I am still working from home due to Covid.  None of the 3 of them are good at finding creative ways to play like my older 3 kids could do at the same age.....and at some point in the fear and dread I came up with an idea.  Rather than survive and tolerate the 14 days of Christmas break, why not celebrate it?

The 3 older kids are all working and we are in the final stretch of planning Claire and Jonah's wedding and none of that celebrates the kids who are 11, 8 and 5.  They get told to be quiet, settle down, stop whining, quit tattling, go to bed, pick up the mess etc all day long as it is.  Hence.  14 days of finding creative and interesting things that will stimulate their minds, tickle their senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing and seeing, and build connection with either me or other positive people in their lives.  Healthy connections and attachments to positive and supportive people are healing and good.  Hopefully it helps my littles understand that they are loved.

14 days of doing something fun.  Then they go back to school where I release them to 5th grade, 2nd grade and transitional kindergarten, and the bus drivers Donna and Claus who make them feel safe, enforce the rules and deliver them back home again every day.  School is so freakin' awesome that it is built into the infrastructure to be creative, interesting, stimulating and sensory.....so on January 4 when that blessed and beautiful big yellow bus comes lumbering down the road you can bet your best hand that I will be peering through the frond door in the morning dawn with all the backpacks loaded and the winter gear bagged up, with kids who are rested, fed and ready.  Because that's what 14 days of fun gives back to me.....readiness for the next thing.  

Nothing about 14 days of fun is easy but everything about 14 days of fun is wonderful.  It is costing me a bit of money and time and planning but these 3 kiddos are worth every bit of it.  The added benefit is that after we do our fun thing they come back home and are more content, happy and cooperative because they feel blessed.  One could say it is downright genius if one wasn't trying hard to be humble and not bragging and puffed up with self pride at one's really good idea.  (wink wink)

So here's to days 9-14....may I continue to find things to do that can be called "fun" and meet all of the criteria and be time-efficient, budget friendly and infused with endorphins.....


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