My birthday thoughts and such

Today is my birthday.  Because my birthday landed on a Sunday this year, we started the day as we do most Sundays, with church.  Part of our message today was Ephesians 2:10.....For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
I love this verse of scripture.  We are God's handiwork, his masterpiece, his work of art.....and we were created for something.  I talk about this often, being created for a purpose.....for an assignment....for a plan.  My goal for my children is always to help them find the purpose they were created for.  I know mine.  Do you?   I believe the Lord delights in us when we seek Him and seek to know His purpose for our life. 

This life is not random.  It is not haphazard.   It is not just for this present day or is unto something greater.  Each life.  Every precious.  Important.  Relevant.  Necessary.  Intended.  Valued.  Purposeful.  Wonderful.  Worthy.  The Giver of Life declares it and so do I.  My life and yours are all of this and more. 

Today is my birthday.  51 trips around the sun for me.  I have learned some things and I have lived a lot of life.  I have seen and heard and experienced things that have made me want to shout and sing and celebrate from the top of mountains, and also things that have leveled me and knocked me down full on my face.  It is life.  It is the fullness of life and I wouldn't trade any of it so far. 

My step-dad asked me today at lunch for my thoughts on my 51st birthday.  He is very insightful and contemplative and even in his asking I saw the gift.   This is how I answered him.  Today I am 51 years old and I find that I feel so unbelievably grateful and in awe of how many wonderful people are in my life.  I know so many inspiring and important people.  People who make me feel loved and valuable and who validate me.  Some people are living a life that is different.  They do not feel loved.  They do not feel important or valuable or necessary and that makes me so sad.  Every person I know and can think of makes me feel loved and important and valuable.  What a gift.  What a life! 

I wish I could pack it all into a bottle of awesomeness.....and give it to everyone on their birthdays.  A bottle of something that smells and sounds and feels like the knowledge that each precious life is loved.  On our birthdays, we could get this bottle of it every year to remind us all that our lives matter.  WE matter.  We were created for  a purpose, by the Creator of everything......created as God's handiwork and masterpiece, to do things.  Good things.  Good works.  Things that matter in the world. 

And as promised by Creator God......He has prepared these things in advance for us to do!  All we need is the right people to help us figure out what they are!!!!!   My life is surrounded by those people.  If you are a reader here and you don't have enough of those people to help you figure out your plan and purpose please add me to your list.  I'll do my part.  Maybe, just maybe, on your next birthday you will get the bottle of awesomeness that I got this year.  Maybe you will get this gift of knowing you are exactly where you were meant to be and doing what God wants you to do......( and know that can change every year too!  who knows what the bottle of awesomeness will hold next year, right?)

Thanks to everyone who remembered me today and sent me birthday wishes.  With each of your greetings I smiled and blessed you and was blessed to have you in my life.  I am living my best, best life so far.  Thanks for sharing yours with me.  


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