a coin toss

Hello internet programming.....I want to talk to you.  Today I was making dinner and listening to a show that my Josiah was watching on You tube Kids.  It was one of those vlog shows and they were having yet another extravagant Christmas party.  Everyone was dressed in matching pjs and the parents gave eachother thoughtful, tear-jerking gifts....and the kids all got about 24 different presents...and every one was happy, aunts and uncles and grandparents.....Josiah will be sadly mistaken and disappointed by our Christmas after watching episode after episode of this crap.  And yes.  It's my fault because I let him watch it so that I could cook a wholesome meal at home on a Thursday night. 

I cannot keep up with how much internet/social media advice there is on which foods and chemicals and cleaning items are toxic and dangerous.  Apparently I can't eat regular salt any more.  It has to be Himalayan pink salt crystals now.....and I can't dust with Pledge or use walmart make-up either without putting my health in jeapordy.  Seriously.  Without facebook and google I wouldn't even know how much poison I was ingesting. 

Yesterday I read a post from a reputable doctor, Dr. Caroline Leaf.  It gave a self care mental health tip to add these foods to my diet to help fight stress:  dark chocolate, blueberries, salmon, avocado, and green leafy vegetables. 

I went to get groceries....we don't have access to fresh salmon.  The frozen stuff smells fishy.  It is out of season so I bought frozen blueberries......and paid way too much.  I still have a half a bar of dark chocolate (with Himalayan sea salt, ironically) from my birthday 6 months ago so I ate about 6 squares of that....and I purchased 2 avocados but they looked sad.  and tired.  like me.  As far as the "green leafy vegetables" go......those are also hard to obtain in northwest Iowa.  The beets/beet greens were limp and lifeless.....the romaine is not to be trusted...I couldn't find endive or turnip greens.  I bought a bag of Kale and a head of iceberg, hoping to marry the two with some dried cranberries and super-sweet commercial dressing....and really, where is the health benefit in that.  We have already had brussel sprouts and spinach this week....and I'm running out of inspiration. 

I could unplug from the internet and all social media but that is also where I have found support, help and encouragement.  I either eliminate the stress and get rid of it all....and probably die of cancer or something.....or I keep it and deal.  Sigh. 

tonight it is a coin toss.....


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