
He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.  Psalm 104:19

Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth was so thoughtful and intentional in His creation of the world,  of the universe.....He made the moon to mark the number our days each month, to reflect all the changes in  time, and to help us understand seasons.  My favorite moon is harvest moon.....when it dominates the dark sky and glows brightly, to let us know which season is ending and which is beginning.

Seasons do that.  They end and begin.  The season of fall will give way to winter in a few weeks......and every season gets to take its turn with us for awhile.  The same is true for seasons of suffering and trials, I think.  We were never promised a hassle-free life.  We should not be surprised when it is our turn to deal with hard things.  The past 12 months have been a rather hard season for me, for multiple reasons and I feel like I am beginning to come out of that season.  I'm grateful that Father God doesn't tell me how long seasons of suffering last.  He doesn't tell me how long this season will last where I feel myself coming out of the hard stuff.  I do know this.  We are either coming out of a season of hardship, we are entering into a season of hardship, or we are in the middle of that season right now.  It's always one of the three. 

I believe this is true and it gives me incredible comfort and peace.  I didn't need to say "why me?" all of last year, because why not me?  I still asked the question for sure, but I already knew the answer.    We all take our turn in the hard places!   God is in the hard seasons, He truly is.  He is also present as we flow out of that season and then again when we enter into the next one.  He is all-present, all-powerful, and all-knowing.  He is with us.  Always.  I want to always remember His Presence, no matter which season I am in.  The way I handle myself in a season is what truly matters.  It matters much more than being in the season at all. 

As I feel myself coming out of a season of hardship, I choose to be grateful that He never left my side.  I choose to be grateful that I have a glorious village of people who love me and who walk with me through the dark paths as well as the lighter ones.  I am grateful that I am not spared seasons of suffering because how then would I know seasons of blessing and seasons of resting and seasons of preparing......we are never out of season.  He made the moon to mark them, remember? 

Holiday season is upon us.  Plans for Thanksgiving parties and meals are starting to evolve.  Talk of Christmas programs and concerts are getting scheduled.  Advent studies are popping up.  Holiday catalogs of toys and such are coming in the mail........and we all know we are supposed to slow down and enjoy this season and not get swept up in the worldly demands of it all.......but the moon does mark the seasons.  This one will come and stay for awhile and end again.......and I choose to be glad in that. 

Pumpkin pies, apple cider, cool evenings, bare trees, grey skies, frost, fireplaces crackling, candles burning, cute boots, warm hats, chunky vests and sweaters.  Shorter days, longer nights, warmer food, colder everything else......A grateful heart.  A steady faith.  A ready spirit. A sense of being present.   A season. 


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