lots of emotions and a bizarre prayer
The day we took Claire to college this week was very emotional. Lots of emotional things happened this week. One unexpected thing that happened was after we got home from moving Claire on Wednesday, Precious broke down in tears. She cried long and loud and hard. Kleenex after Kleenex filled with tears and snot and slobber and nothing I said helped soothe her. It was incredibly frustrating and I felt very helpless. I wanted to sit and cathartic cry myself but this daughter of mine was absolutely wrecked. She cried because she would miss Claire so so much. She cried because "who would snuggle us when she babysits us?" I tried to cheer her up by looking at the facebook pictures of new teachers at school since school would start the next day. That made it worse.....a new PE teacher? But she loves the one from last year......and on and on. At one point she said "everything is different!" and I started to understan...