Psalm 112: 1-3 says this.  "Praise the Lord.  Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands.  His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.   Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." 

Oh my word.  God is so, so good.  This is in the bible, folks.  The bible is true.  We have to stand up to some kind of truth and this is mine.  The Holy Bible.  Pick a truth.  Any truth.  Test it.  Live it.   This one will win.   Blessed is the man/woman/child who fears and respects the Lord and who says yes to His design.  Blessed is the man/woman/child ......they will be mighty in the land.  Wealth and riches are in their house. 

That's kind of interesting here because we don't live a lifestyle of wealth and riches.  We chose a lifestyle that added a burden of Christian education....and at least 5 children (to date) and we chose to live in a home that had a pool and was older.....we chose careers and career paths that did not take us away from our family any more than necessary even though we could have been gone more and made more money.  We chose to not move up that corporate ladder and instead sow into the children and fragile lives of others that we were given the awesome honor to know.....

The wealth and riches in this house don't show up at the bank.  It would be easier if they did but they don't.  I am declaring that that is ok.  I'm not saying it is wrong to be smart with money and to have money.....God bless you if that is your story.  I am saying that God's righteousness endures here, even when we are not smart with money.....and yet we are rich and wealthy.......

For the past 24 hours I spent time with only Claire and Isaac.  At some point we all wondered what it would have been like if we had only had these 2 wonderful kids....and our lives would have looked so different.  Our financial burden would have been different.....but we all also know that it was not our journey to do that. 

Our story is an amazing story of God's pursuit of us, and of our hearts.  He never wanted us to just stop and say "ok, you have done enough".....He continues to challenge us and to convict us and to love us into unknown territory....because He Is God.  This is His Deal.  We have signed up to follow Him and to work for Him and to pledge allegiance to Him all of our days......

Today in church, Pastor Bobby preached about Abraham and Isaac and the aweful time that the dad had to lay his son on the alter in obedience.....if you want a link to the sermon please let me know.  It is so worth listening too.....

Tonight I do feel like wealth and riches live in my house even though we have so much financial burden.....I feel like God is telling me that it is ok.  The economy of Heaven doesn't translate well to the economy of America....and we will be ok.  We have good jobs.  We work hard and do good work.  We are invested in things and people that matter....and if it doesn't look good on paper, that's ok. 

Please, family and friends who love us and help us....don't feel like you need to do anything or pay our bills or whatever.  Please know that I am writing this from a heart posture of worship and reverence and faith in Almighty God who set us on a path and who is going before us every step.  He moves trees so that they don't ruin things.  He moves tires so that they don't hurt people.  He moves water so that it doesn't start fire. 

God has been very clear with me lately that he loves me, and he loves us.  He loves our hearts and He will not abandon us in this life.....The best is so very definitely yet to come. 

Today I went out to my new garden and I cut down some herbs (because my mom said that is what you should do).  I made mint tea with fresh mint and sipped it while I scheduled my home visits for the week.  I made pesto for the first time and I am so freakin' proud of myself.....and I looked up lots of recipes for foods with pesto.  I also have thyme, citronella, lemon verbena and parsley if anyone wants some fresh herbs for the kitchen....because I am rich in that.



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