getting in touch with some of my feelings...

Last week Saturday we were in the thick of it with dance recital weekend.  Thanks to the family who came to share in this special event with us.  We always love dance recital weekend....and since this was Claire's final show it was extra special to have some family here.  On Saturday, we were getting ready to go for the afternoon show.  It had been a crazy week/month/year already.....and I was feeling all the crazy on Saturday morning.  We were exhausted and excited.....and Claire and I were in the bathroom together getting ready.  (we don't have enough bathrooms....2 of them for 7 people poses challenges)....Josiah started in, fussing and whining because he didn't want to go back for the afternoon program and perform the tumbling routine.  I was arguing with him and discussing it with him, while trying to do hair and make up and talk to Claire.  I had just taken my supplements because I am old and American and need things like vitamin D and probiotics and natural thyroid.....I called Precious in to give her the pill.  It's the pill she takes that levels everything for her, makes her listen and form thoughts and words......and we decided to wait and give it later so that it lasted longer into the evening for her to focus in the recital.  I was talking to Joe, moving around Claire.....and I said, "Precious....did I give you your pill?"  I was holding an empty hand and a cup of water......she got a weird look and said "no mom".  Claire looked at me.  I looked at Precious.  Joe stopped fussing.  

I accidently took her pill.

Our mouths all fell open.  We looked at one another and then we looked in the mirror......we know the effect this little pill has on Precious and we have HUGE respect for its influence on her.  What, pray tell, would it mom?    I've been keeping a lot of balls juggling in the air lately.  Everyone counts on me for so many things......Claire said, "mom?  are you gonna be ok?"   I said, "well Claire....I don't really know.  I guess If I wander on stage mid-afternoon in the recital someone better come and drag me off ok?"   and then we got the giggles. 

I turned out find.  It felt like I had had about 10 cups of coffee but other than that I didn't do anything embarrassing.......I clearly do not have ADHD because it did not have the same effect on me it has on my kiddo! 

We started a foster care journey last fall.  I have wanted to become foster parents for about 25 years already but last year it became a more pressing issue with a specific child in mind.  I can't write about him or say things like foster care or foster parent or foster child because its not ok to do that. ( kids have rights to not be labeled and to not have their stuff broadcasted....)  I can talk to people in person, just not on social media....I think I may write a book about this particular journey.  I've been told it might be a worthy read.  If I start to write it I will let you know if I think it is worth buying.  We spend time with this kiddo once a month or so and today we took him to a baseball tourney that the boys were in.  At one point in the game, he was watching and was rooting for our team in the only way he knew how.....and from the back of the bleachers he yelled "Pitcher's got a big butt!"  really loud.  Not something I would ever, ever condone.....He didn't know better.  Also.  He wasn't wrong.  But still.  This foster care journey could challenge everything I think I know about me, about prayer, about kids and about the Lord. 

Feeling embarrassed.....feeling humbled.....feeling like its not about me.....


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