on missions and worship.....

We continue to have conversations in this house about missions and trips and how to care for others both near and far.  My heart soars in this, because for me, this is what I was created to do......find Jesus' plan for me, raise my children to love the plan and plan bigger and further, and be able to also bring it right home on a Sunday afternoon.

I was tired this morning after lots of family busyness this weekend.  The road to church was paved with adversity.....and once seated, I was exhausted and expectant.....and without coffee.  I didn't have time for a cup this morning.  Church was awesome.  I heard something from our pulpit (aka our youth pastor Ryan who is such a good speaker!) that I had heard somewhere before but did not expect to hear in my home church.  Ryan said that he planned to read scripture, then pray, then share a message about Jesus and then the last 2 songs would happen and he hoped the message would prepare us for worship in those last 2 songs.  Traditionally in my church experience, we gather and sing 3 songs, have our church prayer, take offering, hear the sermon, sometimes hear one more song and then have a closing benediction.  I love, love, love the idea that hearing the Word of God first prepares us for worship........and today.......it did.  He led us to Jesus half way through the service, and they we sang and praised Him and worshipped for the last part of church.  Sigh.  It was so, so good.

After church we packed up to head home.  I was heading out and saw my sweet friend sitting in the sunshine at the stained-glass window, watching her children drink juice and run and play.  The kids saw me first and ran to me as I was trying to leave the building.  They all screamed my name and hugged me,  They begged me to take them home from church with them cuz my house is, well......fun.  I walked over to their mama and smiled, handing the littlest one back to her but he said "No!  Tiki House!!!!!"   (Tiki.  That's me).  This mama was tired and overwhelmed and tearful.  She was pausing a moment after worship to gather her gumption and her nest of birdies to go on to the next part of her day.  As a single mom.  Of 3 kids.

Living a missional life means that when I saw her today, my heart fell out of my body and sat at her feet.  I saw her weariness.  I heard her voice of exhaustion.  I smiled at her and said, "hey there girlie......get your poop in a group and bring them over asap.  I will feed them lunch and you can have a couple of hours before work to do what you need to do......"  and there were squeals of delight all over the fellowship hall.  I got in the car and told my tribe that the kids who were expected at 2pm were coming at 11-ish......and the collective acceptance of this change tells the story of my life.

It is now the end of this Sabboth day and the extras are all returned to their homes and only the Kredits remain.  We are watching Olympic trials and finishing a dinner of self-made panini sandwiches and leftovers and I am feeling abundantly blessed.....and worshipful....and expectant.

I am planning a return trip to India.  Claire and my mom, and I will go after Claire's junior year of high school, likely next June, 2017.  I am beginning to worship and pray about how this trip will "frame up" and here is what I have so far.   If you want to join us, let me know soon.  Tickets are extremely expensive and must be purchased far in advance.  A passport and visa are required and that takes time, too.  There will hopefully be a women's school of worship class happening then and I really, really, really, really, really (ok you get the point) want both Claire and my mom to be a part of that.  There are also now foster homes for SCH kids in the same city.  The girls that our family and my mom both sponsor live in a foster home called Joy Pink.  I'm hoping to spend time there and help and bless those kids as well.  The trip will likely be in Hyderabad, India for 2 weeks.

Whether you plan to join us or just not, could you worship with us along the road to this adventure?  I think 10 months of worship would be a great prep for a trip where we walk alongside young women learning to lead worship in the villages of Southern India.  If you have ideas for fund-raising, that would be awesome as well.  You know how to find me......Flying half way around the world is costly and the needs of both of these ministries are great......

And I really feel a call to worship in this.  So even if you just read and move on, please also take a few moments to worship soon, ok?


  1. I'll definitely worship with you! (And put my thinking cap on for fundraisers!)


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