
I am thankful for my wood burning pot-belly stove in winter cold.
I am thankful for snow because it is beautiful and when it snows the birds come to my backyard.
I am thankful for hot soup and warm drinks.
I am thankful for family with familiar hugs and memories and love.
I am thankful for pie....and coffee.....and all the joys of food.
I am thankful for football and my teen sons who want to sit in the family room and watch with us.
I am thankful for toys and books and Ipads and any distraction we own that gives me a few minutes to relax once in awhile.  Oh wait.....I'm not thankful when they cause a mess that I have to clean later.
I am thankful that we again have a dishwasher that works.
I am thankful for candles burning and essential oils diffusing.
I am thankful for my family and friends who help me know who I am.
I am thankful for my children who never allow me to be someone I am not.
I am thankful for God who is in charge of my life, my days, my hopes, my dreams, my failures, my flaws.....
I am thankful.


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