People need People

It's mid-week, and I have had a long, long week so far.  I would love to just vent and purge all the details but due to confidentiality, I cannot.  What I can say, is that people need people.  We were not created to live in isolation.  We need each other.  Physically, emotionally, relationally.......we are better in community with one another.  God understands this.  That is why He is a relational God.

Today I weighed babies, I delivered food, I counselled, I ate in my car in the freezing rain, I encouraged and affirmed and prayed for families.....because I cannot do it alone, I needed my mom a few times.  She transported a teen mom to an important appointment for me, she picked up my kids from daycare, she played piano and helped Jeremiah with his cello lesson, she sat at the table with me as I read the shopping flier and we talked about food.  We shared a glass of wine.

Grace came from her room, and when the house was quiet and Roger had the kids at church and Josiah fell asleep at 5:30 (yikes), Grace said this.  Today I had the worst ramen ever.  "Ramen" is a cup of noodles and sauce that can be Chinese, the way we all know it, or Korean which is super-spicy.....and Grace loves it....Me:  Why, Grace?  What was wrong?  Grace:  I made ramen and I was all alone in the house and ate all by myself and it was aweful.

Apparently lonliness can even affect the taste of food.  (not that I would know because I can't remember ever feeling that way.)  People need people.


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