Superbowl musings, Niki-style

 Last week I walked dogs in unexpectedly warm late winter afternoons.  I realized that when I don't walk regularly it matters.  This week I wanted to walk again but I am such a wimp and if it is cold or windy or rainy or all of those things put together, I don't want to walk outside.  I spend my work days in and out and in and out and cold and warm and cold and warm.....but today I needed to walk.  It was cold and windy and rainy.  

I started my walking app that tells me when to walk slow, speed up, slow down, speed up and eventually cool down.  In my home office space in front of a cooking competition.  I looked ridiculous walking in place, dancing and prancing, moving foward and backward and working up a sweat but I got it done.  I sure did.  

I got groceries because we were out of milk and I got food for "superbowl Sunday" which is not that different from any other Sunday evening.  My parents come over and we have snacks and drinks and then we eat together and clean up and part company.  We try to eat fun food and celebrate Sabboth rest and we try new things and we talk about the Sunday morning sermon....we connect and we reflect.  Sabboth matters.  

I learned recently that an average ticket for the superbowl is over $9000 per ticket.  Per Ticket!  VIP and box seats are over a million dollars.  What the heck actually?!  How many poor and marginalized and victimized and oppressed and forgotten human beings could have their lives changed for the better for the price of just one ticket for the superbowl?????  Spoiler alert....watching from home is a great view with comfy sofas and pretty decent food.  Access to a bathroom is within seconds.  Leaving the game takes just a few minutes to get home......what is wrong with this country?  I love football.  I watch football enough.  I applaud the work that goes into becoming a pro athlete and I love the stories of rags to riches that football affords some athletes, especially those that start in hard places.  But seriously.  Over $9,000 per seat?  

Recently I saw a post from an adoption web site for a sibling set of 5 that need to be placed together soon.  I sent an inquiry.  I did.  I know I'm old and tired and some would say I've done enough.  What if no one else asks about them?  What if those 5 kids don't get matched with a family?  This weighs heavy on me and so I sent an inquiry.  I also sent it to my husband.  Who did not respond.  I spoke to Precious about it.  She threatened to emancipate at 16 years old if I took a family of 5 into our home permanently.  She wasn't even kidding.  We laughed but understood that was a definitive no for her and for Roger.  It's ok.  I won't let her emancipate at 16...the girl can't even make toast.  When she's 18 I will help her pack and hold the door open for her when she heads out to the great destiny God has planned for her, but at 14 she needs her mama to not be distracted or checked out because she is growing and changing moment by moment and it is important that I am present and aware and connected with her in whatever capacity she allows.  

I am aching and praying and hoping that someone else speaks up for that sibling set of 5.  God knows my heart would be yes but my place in life is a sad no.  Maybe some superbowl fan sits in their seats on Sunday and feels Holy Spirit conviction to stop wasting money and time on fleeting things and instead opens their homes and hearts to this set of kiddos.  IF they do and their paths cross with mine, I promise to help them in any way I can.  


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