January Glory

 I picked the word Glory for 2024 and I'm so glad I did.  It may seem silly to settle on a word but for me, because I chose it, I am watching and listening and feeling for Glory all the time, wondering where God will choose to show me glory.  

About 30 years ago, when Roger and I were first dating, I dreamed of one day living on water, by a lake maybe.  Because we live in northwest Iowa it was a "for later" dream but it never left.  It evolved into a desire to live by water and somewhere that I can see the sun rise and sun set.  Some people already live by water and have a view of sunrise and sunset but I do not.  Perhaps the longing for it makes the satisfaction sweeter when I get to witness an amazing sunrise (driving somewhere early in the morning) or sunset (also driving somewhere at dusk).....but perhaps it is also because where I live presently, my view is imperfect and blended with other things like trees.  Perhaps the glory can be found in seeing a magnificent sunset in late January through the trees that I love almost as much.  Tonight I got a glimpse of glory and you know what?  It was enough. 

Making it safely to a hotel somewhere in Nebraska in the middle of a blizzard also felt like glory.  Relief.  Celebration.  Satisfaction.  Amazement and even gratitude.  I am writing my own definitions of glory.

Watching Precious and her club volleyball team win a big tournament and bring home gold.....was glory.  I mention it is club volleyball because recently there was an article circulating about why not to put kids in club sports and I'm calling it hogwash and opinion here and now.  We each get to parent our own kids in whatever way we feel is best them.  Don't push an agenda on my kids that works for yours dude.  You do you and I'll do me. 

Glory has shown up for each day of January when I opened my bible.  I've committed to trying my best to read through the bible in a year.  It is hard work and quite frankly, I'm about 6 days behind but for me, glory links arms with grace and tomorrow I will open it up again and read on....and the glory of the Lord is in this place.  


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