moving on

 Today is a big day.  For 2 people I love very much, they are reconciled to a big change.  a new normal.  Life as they know it will change very soon.  They are moving on.  My heart is full of sadness and pride....and I am in wonder because how can those 2 feelings exist in the same place?  I guess the answer lies in the human-ness....and the knowing them. 

    One of my loved ones has had highs and lows and acceptance and rejection and a hint of something bigger....and this beautiful soul has agonized with the tension of who they are and what they deserve....I can't be more specific because it would be a betrayal to a beautiful soul.  Because I love this person I am biased for sure.  More than anything, mental health and a sense of contentment in who we are is a priority for I have been a more aggressive version of myself to advocate.  I would do it every day.  That's what love does.  For this one...we are moving on.  We are cutting losses, accepting responsibility or blame, and turning to face the sun and moving forward.  Life is short.  It matters.  This one and I love...we will be fine.  We will figure it out.  

    The other person is even more of an impact here...this person is annoyingly steadfast and faithful....abundantly willing to suck it up and take a punch they don't deserve or earn....and unwilling to fight for the injustice of the hand they were dealt.  It was crap.  It was unwarranted....and I'm a bit bitter...but we are moving on.  This one...this one that I could talk about over and over and over is humble and sensitive and kind....and we have chosen to take a path that is not aggressive.  We are choosing to move on.  We are turning our faces to a new and brighter path and we will be generous and forgiving and keep our glass half full....because life is good...and so are we.

    I sat and cried today for both of them.  I cried in frustration because neither one deserves to be pointed in a new path and yet they both are....and I am the cheerleader, the wind behind them, the light that shows the way so that they can move on.....because we are moving on.  God told me I was an anchor in the storm for my family....and I feel that tonight.  I feel the waves, the wind, the push and tension to hold fast....and I will do it for Him and I will do it for them....

    Tonight, they are together, helping each other, connecting in this weird and bizarre place of tension and peace and regret and hope...I sent them out to do a thing because only they can understand the big, big feelings of this thing.

    We will all face a season of moving on.  It is sensitive and painful and important.  Notice it and pay ready and be open arms of comfort and affirmation and hope.  


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