one more dad post for 2022

 It's the last day of June and the last hour of the day...and I think maybe I have one more post left about Father's Day to find words for.  Let's see how it goes.  I wrote about my husband who, in my opinion, is the role model for dads.  I have 3 sons and they could have no better example to aspire to if they choose to have children.  I wrote about my own dad and how this is my first year to experience Father's Day this June without him because he died this year.  I have another group of dads I want to consider.  These are the guys who show up and do dad stuff for boys that are not theirs.  These are the dad-figures that do all the things that a dad would do for a kiddo who doesn't have a dad around.  On this last little bit of the last of June, I want to remember these guys.

Boys are born into the world needing mamas FOR  SURE.  They also need daddies.  They need daddies who will sing to them and jiggle them to sleep when mom is tired.  They need dads to do the funny noise when they are learning to eat baby food, and on and on....learning to ride bike.....learning to hit the baseball without that stupid "T"....learning the rules for football....learning to tie a shave....all the things that men teach boys.  Boys need men.  Boys need good men who are kind and generous and good.  Boys need men who will be understanding and patient and explain things, and not call them stupid or shame them if they cry.  Boys need men who will show up for them so that boys can grow up to become men who will show up for their own babies when they show up. 

If we are to clap our hands for politics that support anti-abortion laws, then we must also apply energy and money and time to programs that show up for families and especially for our boys.  This might sound crazy because it's about women and their bodies and their rights and unborn babies, etc. but I know these women and I have held their babies and I do this work.....and I will keep doing this work because I believe in it with my whole self no matter what politics say....the mamas and their babies mostly want the daddies to stick around and love them and take care of their babies.  Lets teach them to do that, ok?

Let's teach them when they are so so young...when they are 14 and 10 and 8 and 4 years old to love well and to cry when they are sad and to ask for hugs when they need them and to ask for help when they need help.  Lets make sure our boys get what they need so that they can give what they need to give when they get big.  When they are big and they need help.....lets help them.  

So I tip my hat to all the coaches and teachers and neighbors of our boy cubs.  I say thanks to our youth group sponsors and sunday school teachers and pastors.  To all the guys out there who show up to be counselors at camp, and especially to the foster dads and adoptive fathers.....may God bless you and keep you.  May He make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.  We need you now more than ever....


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