a story unfolds

 I've been a witness to an incredible love story unfolding.  The story involves a little boy who is trapped in an impossible and tragic problem.  As the problem is revealed, everything gets pretty intense and complicated....and the plot thickens....there is tension with the characters and the cliff-hangers are intense.  I've been holding my breath for weeks and weeks, hanging on the edge of this cliff.  

In this story, some of the characters practice a religion....and so they summon their prayer warriors to pray.  They storm the gates of Heaven and they slay the demons of hell in prayer....and they worship....and they sing.  Oh, do they sing.  The songs are praises to their God who can do all things through Christ who gives them strenth...and they press on...and their God moves.  

As the pages of the story turn, new characters are introduced and there is a sneaky twist in the plot.  There is only a little bit of deception....or ommission....but the secrecy is powerful and fragrant.   Pleasant.  Hopeful.  It is similar to lilacs in late April......and the potency of the impact keeps us turning pages and smelling lilacs and wondering.....and a solution to a tragic and impossible problem begins to take shape.  

I continue to hold my breath because I am waiting.  Waiting for the sucker punch to my stomach....waiting for yet another balloon to burst for this little boy....there have been so many disappointments.  I am rigid when I am awake and I am rigid when I sleep because I am bracing myself for the impact of more tragic loss and pain.  In this story, the little boy is very brave. ..and curious... and always wondering and looking ahead to what could be....what could happen....so I force myself to turn another page.  (because I love the little boy...and I promised him I would.)

In a recent chapter there was an amazing marriage proposal!   We wondered about it and said "what if" and then it all just came together on a random Wednesday in October.  The God of the story decided to flex some muscle and show off a bit.  And now the records show that they all said "yes".  The "wedding" is on.  Things are moving fast....and I am overwhelmed and with every page I turn I exhale just a little bit.  

This is a great story.....and I believe and have faith in happily ever after.  If I did not I could never pick up a book.  It's what we read for, isn't it?  The happy ending?  The yes and amen....the sigh at the end of the last page where that exhale happens.  

we are not quite there yet.  I'm expecting some twists and turns yet to come....so that exhale isn't quite ready.   But so far....it's a pretty great story is it not?  


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