
 I've had a word bouncing around in my head and heart since we have been on vacation.  Enrichment.  The dictionary defines it this way:  1.  the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something.  2.  the process of making someone wealthy or wealthier.

It first came to my thoughts when we were getting ready to do a gold mining tour on our second vacation day in the Black Hills.  We had to put on these yellow hats to protect our heads and I wondered if it was just part of the tour experience....and was kind of silly....esp for the teenagers....but we did it anyway.  All 7 of us.  As we navigated the gold mine tour it became quite clear why we needed to wear the helmets.  the hall was narrow and shallow....and I got the giggles hearing everyone bump their heads as we progressed through the tunnel.  Enrichment.

Maybe I have wondered why we bother to do a family vacation.  Claire and Jonah couldn't join us, and that made me sad.  Why didn't we try figure out a vacation that would work for everyone?  How do you do that with adult kids who are married and have lives and other things that take priority.....and still offer something wonderful to the younger kids.....Claire told me to go for it and not worry.  She wanted the younger kids to have all the experiences she and Isaac and Jeremiah did when they were little.....enrichment.  Trying to plan activities that everyone wants to do....swallowing the huge bite of how much vacation costs.....dealing with all of the people and "peopling" that we are doing....and its so so hot....and knowing extra kredit is at a respite placement and trying to hold him in mind and help him manage through texting and pictures....and turning to my sweet and steadfast and capable husband a couple times a day to smile and be grateful for him because without him.....we would not have....enrichment.  

Our teen boys would not know how to be the authority and security on vacation without the model their dad provides.  The little kids wouldn't know how to have fun when its hot and miserable but you go mini golf anyway.  Dad agreeing to buy the food to feed the gators at Reptile Gardens (3 for $12.00) knowing it would only last 4 minutes but saying you did it is invaluable.....enrichment. 

 Dad knowing to tell Isaac to go check the tires before they left for home last night....because it read low tire sensor...and Isaac and his GF and Jeremiah driving around Rapid tired and hot after a hike and cliff plunge...but knowing to listen to dad....finding a nail in the tire that they picked up on the trail...that could have been really really bad on the hot interstate home.....getting it fixed and making it home safe.....is enrichment.  

We have a couple more days on this trip.  Enrichment is beginning to mean something really spectacular to me.  We are improving and enhancing who we are and we are becoming wealthier (even as our bank account drains) because of all of the experiences and wonder and anticipation we are saying yes to.  

God, through his Holy Spirit is guiding me to understand and accept enrichment.  What an amazing gift and souvenir for our trip this summer....I am so grateful.  


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