Here are some things that foster moms do....

 1.  We answer to "mom" whether we are in the shower, on the phone, driving the car, sitting in church.....wherever we are.

2.  We leave work early and often to do phones calls and therapy appointments and family visits.  We miss a lot of work.

3.  We wonder every time there is a complaint of an ear ache or a bruise on the playground if we need to document, call, go to the ER.

4.  We sometimes champion for the bio parents and reunification and other times defend a kiddo who needs a voice and advocacy...and we wrestle with the loyalty and the crappy hand these kids get dealt.  

5.  We ache and ask and hope and and wonder and dream about the perfect happily ever after for our foster kiddo.

6.  We gratefully accept gift cards and scholarships and all the helps to parent another parent's child.  

7.  We are in awe of our play therapist and the knowledge and truth and advice they possess. 

8.  We wonder why we thought it was ever a good idea to become foster mom.

9.  We thank God we were given the chance to be a foster mom.

10. We love.  and we love and we love and we love and we love...... 


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