A Mother's Day

 Sunday, May 9, 2021 was Mother's Day this year.  I woke up to a beautiful text from my firstborn, who was on her honeymoon and not here for the first time ever.  She blesses me so much....with her words, with her life, with all that she is.  Thanks Claire Barbara.  I love you so much.  Isaac moved back from the dorms late in the week so he was here to until he moves into a summer rental to practice independence and responsibility.....and we all went to church.  We had lunch reservations to eat out so no cooking for this mama....woot woot!  After our meal we went to get some flowers and plants.  We had purchased and painted terra cotta pots on Saturday and they were ready for filling....spring is rather grand.  

While we were filling the pots Josiah took a tumble on his roller blades and came in crying.  We don't have great history with sunday afternoons and fractured arms....I loaded him up with motrin and an ice pack and put his wrist on a pillow.  While we debated about bringing him to the ER for xrays vs. waiting til Monday, the puggle puppy Quinn escaped from a loose latch on the backyard gate.  (again)

Roger and Precious took off after him with treats and the leash....and a few minutes later Precious came crashing back into the house wailing...Quinn got hit by a pick up on the hiway.  I said "is he ok?"  she said "NO!!!! He's dead!"....so I ran out and found Roger down the road with a barely breathing dog....I took them to the vet's office and left them on the front step because it was Sunday and it would take the vet 15 minutes to come in.  I got home and Precious was wailing, Josiah was wailing and XK was beside himself.  Jeremiah came up from his Sunday afternoon nap asking what was wrong....I explained and said....."call Nana to come!"   

That's why I live in the same town that my mom lives in.  We have called her more than once in this same style of crises and she always, always, always comes.  

I took Josiah (and Precious who was stuck to me in trauma velcro) to the ER for xrays and Roger waited at the vet with the dying dog.....and I prayed for a miracle.  Please let this dog live.  I don't even like him.  He is naughty and destroys everything and he is supposed to be Precious' dog but she doesn't take care of him.  No one does except me and I have enough to deal with.....but dear God....Precious loves this stupid puppy....and all of the kids are fragile and just please, please don't let this frickin dog die....

While we waited in the ER for xray results and Precious clung to me and Josiah talked in nervousness....Roger texted me.  no broken bones.  Quinn is alive....staples and pain meds and going home.  I turned to Precious and said...."hunny.  Quinn is alive.  He didn't die."  She and Josiah burst into tears.  They had been grieving a dead pet and now we all sat in that hospital room, crying together and hugging....God did the miracle.  I was blown away.  Precious and Roger witnessed him getting hit, flying through the air and landing lifeless on the hiway....and yet....he survived.  Also....Josiah's arm was not broken.

We went home, grilled some hotdogs, drank some wine and marvelled that a day could hold so much.....and why not really?  It was Mother's day..and mothers have those days all the time.  Happy and sad.  Good and bad.  Blessed and hard.  That is the work is it not?  Yes.  it is.  


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