thinking and praying and amen

Father God and all of Earth's Good Friday.  For me, as a Christian God-follower, it is important.  It is a day I remember that Jesus hung on a cross today.....for the whole day....and died there.  He didn't have to.  He could have decided to scrap it and make a different plan.  He is God after all....but out of obedience to God's plan to restore us to a right relationship with Him.....He did the cross. He chose death on this day thousands of years ago so that I get to choose life today.  Every day.  I am so so sorry He had to die for my sins.  I am sorry that I am unable to stop sinning, and to live a righteous life.  I am sorry that without His act of love I would surely have only death and hell forever. 

It's Good Friday because He did choose the cross.  Because I know it and believe it and claim it as my truth.  I have life and Heaven forever.  That's the deal.  That's the whole Easter deal.  He died so that I can live.  You, too.  Death has no hold on us in Jesus.   A random car accident or a virus or a cancer diagnosis or whatever......for me it is only one death unto life forever.  Because of Jesus.  Because of Good Friday..


Good Friday and Easter Morning of course.  But that's for another day of writing.

For today it is Good Friday and I am present in it.  I am aware.  I am willing to let time stand still and be present and hold space for it today.  I hear my kids laughing outside and I know that Roger and Claire are working on a puzzle at the table.  The teen boys are doing whatever teen boys do......

I am here.  I am watching the day say farewell and give way to evening time and quiet itself....and I am wondering about that day when He was on the cross and the people who loved him and the battle that waged in the heavenly realms.  I'm sure it was quite a battle. 

In many ways the battle rages on.  The devil and the Lord are still waging a war for our souls and our lives, for our joy and our purpose.....the battle wages on for me to fight feelings of despair and anger and frustration.  I read the challenges and listen to the sermons to do better, be better, give more, show up, make significant memories for my children,  rest, exercise, de-clutter, be inspiring, be patient, be more so that this stupid virus can have a purpose and meaning.......

I really want all of that.  I do.  I lay in bed each morning and beg God to give me more patience and help me to be a loving presence and an inspiration to my family.....and then my feet hit the floor and I am just a hot mess drowning in a river of fast-moving water, flailing around and gasping for breath after breath after breath......failure unto the next failure most of the day with small glimpses of the shore and some firm footing beneath me before the next current takes hold and pushes me again.

All of this, right now in this "unprecedented time" is a lot to handle.  It's just so much of a lot......and so tonight I am remembering that it is just what it is.  It is not everything.  It is not much of anything if I look at the big picture.  Now.....the cross.....and that is everything.  Today Good Friday is everything to me. 

Amen and Amen. 



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