in the prayer room of my heart....

Father God, as we start this new day I fight to say that this is the day the Lord has made.  I mean, I know you made it.  You authored it and ordained it long ago......and you have plans for this day.  This day that makes me feel weary just thinking about it.  This day where we will all remain socially isolated and distanced and try to work and do school and attempt to play and create and worship and  This is a day that you have made, Lord, like no other day we have had before or we will have again.

Help us, God.  Help your children to do this day and tomorrow and the days that follow.  Help me to do this day well.  If I break down in tears again today, Father, I know you are here with me counting each tear that falls.  I know you are in my deep breaths, trying to calm down.  Breathe in 4 seconds, hold breath 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, pause 4 seconds........You are God in every cycle.

Calm our minds and hearts, Lord.  Fill us with the assurance of your love and your provision and your sustaining power in the world to work all things for your glory.  Be glorified today, God.  Be magnified in the world and in this home, God.  Be lifted higher than my short temper, be exulted above the tasks that aren't getting done and the stupid computer application I can't get to all things for your glory, God.

Step into lives today Lord.  Step into homes and provide food, resources, help, patience, endurance, blessing.  Step into hearts today, God in this community and worldwide.....we declare you sovereign over us.

God I pray for a supernatural solution to this virus......please stop the spread in Jesus name.  Help them to find the cure or squash the transmission or whatever needs to happen so that we can feel safe again and be released back into the world and our daily activities......please fix this, Lord.  Fix it soon.

I pray for the kids graduating from school that want to finish well.....Lord, make a way for that?  I pray for couples getting married and families planning funerals and all of the life events that are being threatened by this virus......Lord, please make a way.

I know you know, God.  I know you know our actions and our words and our thoughts and our needs and our wants and our secret places........send your Holy Spirit to minister to it all.....protect us by your love and your perfect goodness.....transform us into your love and your perfect goodness today.  You are our ever present help in time of need and man oh man do we need you God.

Silence the thoughts and actions of the devil, Father.  We take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ......break off the strongholds and the schemes of the evil one in this day and let this truly be a day that we can declare your glory and power and goodness and grace and mercy and flawless, perfect plans.

Thank you that this morning, the snow is done falling, the winds have stilled, the sun in shining and the sky is blue.  Thank you for your promise of  spring and warm sunshine, of blooming lilac bushes and fresh green plants sprouting up in the earth.  Thank you for the promise and assurance of Easter......that you did not stay in the grave.  You fought death and sin and satan for us and you came back to life and you live and you reign over this earth and all the kingdoms to come......this is your story, Lord.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it as we seek you, as we run to you, as we beg for your mercy and strength and power and hope......we can be filled with confidence that you are God.  You are in charge.  You get to decide.  Only you.  Always you.



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