
I am not a crafty person.  If someone asked to describe me I guarantee that "crafty" would not be in the top 10...or even top 20.  You know those box kits of gingerbread houses that Walmart sells every Christmas season?  I always buy them and they turn out horrible and the kids have tantrums and its just not fun.  At all.  I want my kids to be crafty.  I want them to learn to spend free time creating something lovely and feeling proud of what they made.....but I'm a lousy craft mom.  I stood in the craft section of Walmart a long time today looking at knitting needles and crochet hooks.  For some reason I really want Josiah to learn to knit.  I don't knit.  Precious definitely doesn't want to learn....but I think it would be really cool if he could knit.  He could make things when he is bored.  He could be really impressive on the Today show when he is a famous athlete some day and tell about how as a child he would knit hats and scarves and give them as gifts......ok ok.  It's my dream, not his but whatever.

I got crafty this year.   Multi-faceted crafty.  What's even better is that some of my crafts turned out kinda cool!

Precious and I didn't want to go to the Star Wars movie this afternoon but everyone else did.  We bought some canvas and fresh paints and stuff and we did some crafts.  Yesterday we dipped pretzel rods in melted almond bark.....and we even did the stupid gingerbread houses last week.  We are craft-ING!  I turned the kids' Christmas gifts into snow men because I saw it on Facebook and thought it looked fun.  I hoped it would help me to not overspend but I overspent anyway.  It's what I do at Christmas time.

Claire has noticed that we tend to make a big deal out of Christmas giving and that is not the case for every household.  It's true.  We do.  I really, really love Christmas.  I love the extravagant generosity that happens.  People ask me if they can "adopt" a family for Christmas and I match them with someone who wouldn't get much for gifts and such.  The families who receive Christmas gifts are blown away by the gifts they get.  We do Operation Christmas Child.  I make finals week gift bags for our college kids.  We do stockings.  We even give the pets gifts.  We do it big.  We eat really good food and we have fun parties and we listen to Christmas music and I look for ways every day to bless people.

Christmas matters.  It matters so much.  The world without Jesus is watching Christians who have Jesus.....and it matters.  The world without Jesus will buy Christmas trees, celebrate Santa, give gifts and maybe even sing the Christmas carols.....but they won't know what we know unless we do what we do....all to the glory of Jesus.

He really did come down from Heaven and He really did take on the form of a baby and be humble and fragile and human.  He really did.  Extravagantly and generously He came for us so that we could be with Him for all of eternity.....and its pretty crazy and pretty big.  Christmas is Jesus' birthday.

We also do birthdays pretty big around here.  ;)  


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