Sunday rest

I had the kind of week that makes you long for Sunday.  I had a lot to do this week, different things than I usually do, like helping pull off a soup supper, run a concessions stand solo while Roger and Jeremiah covered a sileage pile....a really big football game Friday.... a dinner auction Saturday, and it was just a really fun, full, big week.  I knew that if I could make it to Sunday I could rest. 

Last night around 9pm I had settled back in at home after my really busy and full week......and I was so anxious to wake up for Sunday.  A morning at church and   

In our community rest is expected on Sundays.  I've told the kids that it is not this way in the rest of the world......but it is here.  Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy.....and I do realize that it doesn't mean it has to be Sunday....and originally wasn't but that is what we do here.  We keep Sundays set apart for rest and less.  We had lots of things we could have done today....yard work and closing the pool, shopping, working.....but instead we did less.  We took naps and we laid low.  Joe and I played a game.  Roger helped Precious with a music lesson.  Jeremiah went for a workout.  Isaac played video games and did his laundry......Precious went swimming with a friend.  Claire and Jonah came for lunch to help us get rid of leftovers and are coming back tonight for dinner .  I am sitting in my chair after prepping supper.  It is less.

In church today I was thanking God for Sabboth rest and feeling grateful for it.  Knowing in my busy week that if I could just get to today, that I could rest made all the busyness and peopling not overwhelm me.  I am actually an introvert, and big crowds wear me out.  In my prayer and worship,  I also understood this.  I can't just love the "chill out on Sunday" part of the bible.  If I am going to own that commandment I need to own the whole thing.  All the things.  All 10 commandments, all the parables of Jesus, remembering His death on the cross and taking mine up every single day to follow him.  I don't get to pick and choose which parts of the bible to follow and which to discard.  It is a fully
 intact book as is. 

Here are some other things I took from our message today.  Pastor Bobbie gave our message.  I took notes.   May this bless and challenge and convict you as it does for me: 
1.  Jesus.....everyone is looking for you.  Even if they don't know that is what they are searching for, it is actually you. 
2.  Lord, keep us faithful, keep us on mission. 
3.  It is in faithful obedience that we get more of Jesus. 
4.  Prayer equals life. 

verses I wrote down to spend time with this week from our pastor include the following: 
Acts 1:8, John 14:15-21 and Luke 10:38-42.


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