practice hospitality

I was texting my mom today, asking her for some folding chairs....and maybe a card table.  I am preparing to have guests tomorrow.  Claire's dance team from college is coming for breakfast.  I have some helpers bringing some of the food but I still needed to prepare the egg bake and buy the cider and hot cocoa mix....and cups and plates and such.  I want it to be a nice table when they come to eat I spent some time working on it today.  I also did some cleaning.  We have been busy and gone for weeks and weeks and I don't usually invest time in cleaning unless people are coming.  Well.  People are coming.

I said to my mom via text,'s no wonder God put it in the bible to "practice hospitality".  It takes practice.  It isn't easy.  My house isn't big enough or nice enough.....I don't have or don't do all the things that make it lovely and seamless....that's why He said to "practice".

Romans 12:13 says "Share with the Lord's people who are in need.  Practice hospitality."  and the dictionary says Hospitality is:  The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guest, visitors or strangers. 

The college dance team is definitely easy to extend hospitality to..they are happy, grateful and lovely.  I hope they like the breakfast and the love we extend.....but it does make me wonder.....who else needs our hospitality?  Who needs us to make eye contact, or sit with or reach out to in a spirit of friendship?  Who needs a generous reception? ( or a warm and authentic hug)  Who may I encounter today who could be a guest, a visitor or a stranger?  And as the Lord says.....who is in need?

If we are to practice hospitality in the way I think the bible is declaring,  I do think we need to invite others in.....into our life, our heart, our plans.  I do think we need to be ready to get a bit uncomfortable and share with the Lord's people who are in need.....I know what this looks like in my day to day life....and so my challenge is to ask all of you the same.  Who is in need where you live, work and play?  Who can you help?  Where can you practice Hospitality?


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