back to school.....

Today we moved Claire back to college for year 2.  So many times, in the past few days, I remembered what a hot mess I was last year at this time.  I was not prepared to let the first birdie fly from the nest and my heart was breaking because she was moving on into her best life as a young adult.  I had given her the best of me for almost 19 years and now it was time for her to start using all of that to move forward.  I prayed she would make good friends and that she would find her way into God's calling for her life.  I prayed she would have fun and grow in confidence and independence and scholarly wisdom.  When she came home for a Sunday evening I tried to make foods she liked and make being home feel lovely.    I am acutely aware of all the feels going on for my friends who are currently experiencing all of that heart ache as they move their first birdie out......and here is what I know.

It gets better. 

It doesn't hurt so much for very long.  Tomorrow we get up and move on with the next day and we adjust to the change and when we get a text or a call or a visit we smile and we know we are still connected even if they are no longer sleeping here each night.  It gets better.  They make friends and they get involved in new and exciting things and other people now have the burden of being a positive and challenging influence in their young lives.  We get to enjoy the fruit of our labors with our young adult kiddos spreading their wings and flying all on their own!  Prayers prayed in faith get answered.  Life gets bigger and richer and fuller and they figure out who they are and what is important to them and how they want to be in the world......and it is such a joy! 

Those of you with younger kids who are doing that "send them off to school week"......I am also acutely aware of all the feels going on for you!  I'm there too.  We are trying to make the most of this last week of summer for our kids and we are having play dates and going shopping and making lists.  Some of you silly people are trying to implement early bedtimes.  Silly.  Silly.  Silly.  Just a little tip:  they don't actually learn anything the first day.  It's ok if they are tired.  In case you want to know my method this is what I have done in the past.  (I don't do it any more.....we just wing it....but for lots of years I did this!)  The day before school starts, so for us this coming Thursday, we wake up to an alarm clock for whatever time we plan to get them up for school.  Here it is 7am, give or take.  The kids wake up and do what they would do if they had to be at school at 8 and have a "practice".  Then we spend the day being busy and fun and active.  Kids get nervous the day before school starts.  They need distractions.  At the end of the day before school we do baths, set out school clothes, do our bedtime routine and pray a blessing on the first day, the whole year, the teacher, the kiddo......and whatever else comes up.  They are exhausted and excited and mostly they are ready.  First day of school......up with the alarm at 7 (Josiah got a new alarm clock today from walmart.....for $12 it's worth it to have him excited for his wake up alarm!)   Eat breakfast, take the obligatory picture on the front step and off they go.  Vwah-la.   Textbook technique. 

You're welcome. 

So in summary, friends.  Feel all the feels.  It's best for me to write them out.  I feel them longer.  Live in the moments of heart ache and celebration, of leaving and of coming home.  Notice the days getting shorter, the sun setting earlier, the cicadas and crickets making noise and the occasional leaf that falls earlier than the rest.  It's ok.  It really is.  Enjoy the dog days of summer and turn your face to the sun whenever you can.  Keep eating hot dogs and start roasting more marshmallows at the bonfire on cooler nights.  Go for walks.  Look at all the pictures you took this summer and be thankful and grateful to God for the moments you captured and the memories you made. 

For some of us, there is another child starting to stir and move around and prepare to leave the nest.  Isaac is a senior this year.  We took senior pictures a week or so ago.....and as he posed on the football field, at the pitcher's mound, and up against a brick building looking so handsome and strong and able, my throat got tight and tears started to surface.  Oh we go again.  My baby boy is almost ready to go too.  


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