quality time with Precious

Early this week, Precious asked me if we could schedule a "girls night" together.  I asked what she had in mind.  She said, " well we never get to spend time alone together just the 2 of us..."  I asked her what she wanted to do so that I would know how to make a plan.  Sweet girl wanted the following:  1.  get our nails done together.  2.  Eat at Culvers.  3.  Go to Walmart and shop for dresses and other clothes.  4.  Watch Hairspray together at home. 

When you child requests one on one time with you as a parent never say no.  Ever.  It won't happen often.  Roger was willing to help with our girls night and make a plan for Josiah and any other boys around tonight.  Having a spouse who also values quality time is such a gift.  I picked Precious up from school and we went to get nails done at Nails by Julie here in town.  We went to Culvers at 5pm and ate together in a booth just big enough for 2.....and Precious was amazed at how fast our food came out since it was just 2 of us and not all 7 orders.  We played tic tac toe on a scrap of paper and we talked and we people-watched.  It was awesome.  I left my phone in the car to charge and I didn't miss it at all.  After stuffing our faces with chicken strips and fries and cheese curds we went to Walmart and walked around for about 2 hours, taking our time.  She tried on clothes and we read birthday cards and looked at make-up.  We bought stuff to have movie theatre popcorn and candy at home, and some new arts and crafts supplies and play-do.  Winter isn't quite over yet. 

Precious said over and over that this was the best day ever.  She's been laughing and smiling and being grateful and pleasant.....and her cup is filling up.  So is mine.  My love language is quality time and I desperately needed this gift with this girl.  We have been butting heads day after day, and I have not enjoyed her for awhile.  She has been crabby and selfish and demanding.  Today all the buttons of self-regulating are being reset.  For both of us.

Presently we are watching Hairspray and munching on popcorn.  Mine has M &Ms, hers has skittles.  The fire is crackling and she is fidgeting with her new purchase of pipe cleaners/fuzzy sticks.  Precious doesn't understand everything about Hairspray yet.  We are talking about the music and dancing and the work of integrating black and white kids in that season....and that's enough for now. 

Ok!  Well Roger and the boys just got home.....but seriously....it was a pretty great day with her.  I hope we can do it again more often. 



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