
Last weekend Roger and I took the day off on Friday.  We went out of town and my step-mom came to hold down the fort.  We were shopping at the Duluth Trading Company downtown Sioux Falls.  I saw a really big t-shirt in a 4xL and held it up and said that if I wore this shirt I would feel so tiny.  I'm heavier than I want to be and most of the clothing I would like to put on is too small so it was a small reprieve to imagine drowning in a bigger shirt. 

Later that night we went to a concert of Bonnie Raitt and James Taylor who are both in their late 60s or early 70s.  We love their music and the concert was awesome.....and we were among the very youngest people there.  This, too, was a welcome break from our normal activities.  Usually we are the older or oldest people in the crowd around us.  We are older parents with younger kids.  We are used to feeling old. 

Our little get-away lasted about 36 hours but we felt like we had had a real vacation! We came home relaxed and happy and re-connected as a couple.  It wasn't an actual vacation though.   You know, like the ones people are posting all over social media right now where they get on an actual plane and fly somewhere to sit and watch the ocean waves and do nothing else for awhile. 

I am writing these things because I am thinking about perspective.  An oversize shirt makes me feel small.  An arena filled with seniors makes me feel young.  A small break can feel like a full week get-away.....perspective. 

Yesterday I was reading the bible.  Galatians 5: 16-23, specifically.  There are 2 lists in this passage.  One is not good and the other is the fruit of the Spirit.  I read both lists carefully and Holy Spirit showed me ways I had demonstrated the awful list and the good one.  It was very humbling and convicting for me to know that each day I am fragile and vulnerable and prone to sin....and every day needs fresh forgiveness in Jesus name so that I can try and try again to reach for the fruit of the Spirit.  I want to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  I want the things of earth to grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace....and I need turn my eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face.....and set my perspective there. 

My perspective, or view, of what is happening is as important as the facts that hold it up.  Our attitude and approach to people and situations are just as real as the facts.  Whether I choose to show love or hate, acceptance or judgment, for or against any and all things is only as important as my perspective is.  Where do my feelings and actions stem from?  Fear?  Hope?  Envy?  Confidence?  I may have to stop watching and engaging in Facebook social media for awhile.  I don't like the way it makes me feel to read so many posts that are charged with hate and anger and malice....and posts that spark a fire in me that feels the same.  I don't know if my perspective can stand up to so much opinion.   If I choose to close that down, I will miss so many wonderful things.  Inspiring quotes, requests for help, info about the global church and her needs, updates from friends and family, things that matter to me.  Many of these things make me feel connected to people and causes I care about.  I'm not sure what to do. 

I think for now I will try to read my bible more than I read facebook.  I will try to pray more than I scroll.  I will take my feelings to the throne room of God and leave them there every day.  I don't want to disconnect with something I like but I don't want to lose my perspective either  If you don't see me liking or sharing or commenting and you miss me, please reach out.  I'm not far away.  I will try to do the same to you. 



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